The Chateau (Chateau #1) - Penelope Sky Page 0,14

the food hit her mouth, carefully disguising her lips so her whispers would go unnoticed.

“You shouldn’t talk to me. I don’t want you to get in trouble.”

“I can tell you don’t know how things work around here, and you need to know.”

I picked up the apple and took a bite, and just digging my teeth into the apple was painful for my head. Maybe a hot shower would increase circulation and get rid of this headache naturally. “I don’t give a shit about doing my job well.” I didn’t care about their drugs, the millions they were making off our hard labor. Fucking disgusting.

“You should. Because every week, they pick the worst worker for the Red Snow. If you don’t eat enough and feel like shit, you don’t work as well, and over time you get weaker and weaker…and then it can be you.”

I took another bite of my apple and turned quiet as another man passed, his footsteps loud because he was close to the edge of the table. When he was out of my peripheral vision, I addressed what she said. “Red Snow?”

She nodded behind her. “The woman hanging.”

I stared at my apple, thinking about the pink drops on the snow.

“They hang them, and while they choke, stab them to death.”

I had to set down my apple because now I really couldn’t eat.

“And they make us watch…”

My fingertips moved up to my lips because I thought I would be sick. “They do that every week?”

“Yes,” she whispered.

“But they’ll run out of workers that way—”

“They say they’re pulling weeds, getting rid of the weak and keeping the strong. There are always new girls being delivered, so it’s survival of the strongest, basically, the least difficult. It makes the group more and more submissive as a herd.”

It was fucking disgusting—but also brilliant.

“And good behavior is rewarded with extras. You know, books, medication, treats…”

“Like a fucking prisoner.”

“Yeah…that’s exactly what it is.”


Eaten by Wolves

I sat in the bathtub, my neck resting against the porcelain rim as I kept my eyes closed. The hot water made the migraine subside slightly, but not by much. I was sitting there, just existing in agony.

The door unlocked before it opened.

My arms immediately crossed over my chest, hiding my tits from view.

A woman set the tray on the chair, another meager meal while the well-behaved workers got something much more filling. She kept her eyes down and darted out again.

I closed my eyes, not eager for food because I still felt like shit.

The door didn’t close, and then heavy boots entered.

My eyes opened again. “Do you mind?” I pulled my knees to my chest and kept my arms crossed over them.

“Not at all.” He approached the bathtub, standing over me in the same attire he’d worn this morning and yesterday. I could tell it was the same guy because he had a distinctive voice, one that was threatening but also sarcastic. “What did I tell you?”


“I heard you had a rough day.”

I held my silence, refusing to give any acknowledgment of my pain. I didn’t even care that much that I was naked under the water, because the pain made me disregard my vanity. There was no mirror in my cabin, so I had no idea what I looked like, if one side of my face was completely black and blue.

“I’ve got some good shit—if you stop being a pain in the ass.”

“Pain in the ass?” I whispered. It was best not to yell. Otherwise, the pulse in my temple would increase, but he provoked me, and my self-righteousness got the best of me. “I’m a pain in the ass because I deserve better than this? Because every woman here deserves better than this bullshit? Fuck off.” I turned my neck to look elsewhere, to focus on something besides the tall man who stood over me, his hood placing his head in perpetual shadow.

He remained for a few seconds, the direction of his gaze impossible to see. There was no vapor inside the cabin, so I couldn’t even distinguish his breathing. It was impossible to read a man with no face, no breath, and no voice.

Then he turned around and walked out of the cabin, locking the door behind him.

Every man in that camp deserved to die because of their crimes against humanity, forcing us into servitude after snatching us off the streets. They threw us into a frozen prison, controlled us with food and the threat of a brutal death. I hated every single one of Copyright 2016 - 2024