Chasing the Moon - S.M. Soto Page 0,96

help you clean up out there.”

She smiles, her gaze darting back and forth between her son and me. “Don’t worry about it. We’ve already got it cleaned up and don’t feel too bad. Everyone hates Mrs. Wallace’s casserole. I think you did everyone a favor today. Though, she might be a bit upset about her tray. But don’t you worry yourself about that.”

“I’ll pay her back. I promise.”

Aurora laughs softly, pulling me in stride with her. “You’re too sweet for your own good, you know that?”

For the rest of the evening, I stay near Luna and Julia, avoiding Endymion at all costs. I made Julia promise she wouldn’t leave my side, so no more awkward conversations would pass between us. Part of me wishes my parents would’ve come. Maybe then I wouldn’t feel so out of place. I understand why they didn’t, though. The last thing my father wants on him is the pitying eyes of everyone in town.

I keep thinking back to what Endymion said earlier, or really, what he didn’t say.

“What if I don’t want Holly?”

If not Holly, who else?

It couldn’t be me, could it? Especially not after everything that has happened. There is no way he can still feel anything for me. It also doesn’t escape my notice the way he dodges and avoids Holly the rest of the night. It makes me unreasonably happy—much more than it should. I have no right to feel this way. It’s stupid. I’m setting myself up for failure. Plunging face first into heartbreak, and I can’t stop myself.

I am only realizing now how dangerous being in love with a man like Endymion is for the mind, body, and soul.

He’s already destroyed me once, and I’m determined not to let it happen again. Not after all the progress. Not now that Luna is involved. This time around, I need to be smart.

Endymion is off-limits.

“Where are we going, Daddy?” Luna asks from the backseat.

Selene dropped her off earlier before she went to work at the diner. For the last week and a half, we’ve finally found somewhat of a routine. With her working at Rita’s and me running the company with the guys, finding enough time to spend with my daughter has been a challenge. Luna has been a welcome joy in my life. Working around the business and making time for her has been my top priority.

“Want to visit your mom for a little bit? Thought we could get some lunch.”

Luna squeals in the backseat, obviously liking that idea. It warms my heart, seeing how much she loves her mom. Selene is incredible with her. She’s beyond patient and incredibly loving. Both of them together are a vision. It does something strange whenever I see them together. Hell, even my anger is slowly dissipating. And in its place is desire, because even after everything that has happened, I still want Selene. She’s beautiful. Inside and out. I have to force myself to look angry or portray this cold façade that gives nothing away because when I’m near this woman, all I seem to do is feel.

I was so close to telling her that day in my parents’ bathroom. It isn’t Holly I want; it’s her.

I’m tired of the bullshit.

I know what I want, and that’s my daughter and Selene.

I want them both.

If my mother hadn’t walked in when she did, I would’ve kissed her. Damn the consequences, damn my anger. I would’ve kissed this woman because she’s all I can think about. All I want.

Taking Luna’s hand in mine, I help her out of the truck, and we walk hand in hand into Rita’s. The patrons dining inside turn around when the bell announces our arrival. Rita, the owner of the place, smiles when she sees us.

“Well, hey there,” she greets us, getting us seated at a table. It’s a corner booth near the register, away from the craziness of the diner. “What are we getting for you today, little lady?”

“Hmm. A cheeseburger with French fries, please. Oh, and my mommy.”

Rita laughs. “Okay, little miss, I’ll get right on that for you. What are you having, End?”

“I’ll have my usual. Thanks, Rita.”

With a soft, familiar smile, she leaves us, and I search the diner for any sign of Selene. I spot her taking orders at a rowdy table. When I see who is sitting there, my back teeth gnash together, and the muscles along my jaw jump with frustration. Thomas—Holly’s boyfriend or ex-boyfriend, whatever the hell they are now—and his friends Copyright 2016 - 2024