Chasing the Moon - S.M. Soto Page 0,89

these when I see how good he is with her, and I see how much she loves him already, that I hate myself for the decisions I’ve made. I know I can’t turn back time. The only thing I can do now is try to make it up to both of them.

“You ready to meet your other grandparents?” End asks her, pulling back slightly so he can see her.

“Yes!” She fist pumps, drawing a wry grin out of me.

“Well, c’mon then, wouldn’t want to keep them waiting.”

Luna’s smile slips, and she glances at me. My chest caves with distress, and I plaster a smile on my face, trying to remain calm for her sake. The thing about being so close to your child, they know when you’re barely hanging on by a thread, and I know Luna can sense that I’m about to fall apart.

“But what about my mommy?”

End glances at me, his brows pulling down, prompting me to clear my throat. I run my fingers through her hair, trying to put her at ease. “I have a lot of cleaning to do today, babe. Why don’t you go and have fun for me, yeah?”

“But I want you to come with us.” Her chin trembles, and Endymion blows out a sigh.

“Why don’t we head there, and your mom can meet us when she’s ready. Does that sound like a plan?”

The quiver in her chin stops almost immediately, and she seeks out my gaze. “You’ll come, right, Mommy?”

My smile is shaky. “Of course, I will, unicorn butt. Let me clean up, get ready, and then I’ll meet you there, okay?”

Her grin is back in place, and she high-fives me. “I’m ready to go!”

“I’ll send you the address,” End mentions in passing as he takes Luna’s hand, walking with her toward his truck. I watch from the doorway as he buckles her in her car seat he bought her before taking off.

I didn’t need an address. Hell, I’ve had his address memorized by heart since I was twelve years old.

When I park my car outside of Endymion’s parents’ house, I have the urge to run. To drive off before anyone sees me. I’m sure Luna is fine. She’s probably forgotten all about me. She won’t need me hanging around, making things awkward when she’s there having fun. My stomach revolts at the image of me standing there in front of his family. They’re going to hate me, and they have every right to. That doesn’t make this pill any easier to swallow. The last thing I want to do is stand around while a group of people judges me as if I’m wearing a big scarlet letter on my chest.

It’s too late for any of that, though, because the front door opens and out steps an older man I recognize from years ago. Mr. Black. He’s wearing a warm smile, waving at me from his position on the front porch, but none of that settles the rampant nerves that are turning my stomach.

Gulping a deep breath, I grab my purse and make my way across the lawn. My feigned bravado all but evaporates when Ermias shoots me a sad smile. I damn near crumple right there on the spot. He’s the spitting image of his son minus his hair. Mr. Ermias Black is all broad-shouldered Norwegian, with sandy blond hair that has gray interspersed, and the brightest pair of blue eyes I’ve ever seen. A lot of Endymion’s looks come from his father. The set of their eyes, their thick, arched brows, and full lips, but Endymion takes after his mother, Aurora, too. I remember her having a smile that could light up a room—and that’s exactly what End’s smile does. It’s what he passed onto my daughter. He inherited his mother’s blond-brown hair and green eyes, and from the looks of it, that’s where the similarities end.

I clear my throat painfully before greeting him. “Mr. Black.”

“How are you, Selene? It’s been a long time.”

My brows pinch. I can’t tell if he’s simply trying to have a conversation with me or if he’s taking a jab at me for keeping his granddaughter away all these years. My cheeks heat with embarrassment and shame, and I drop my gaze.

“I’m okay. How are you guys?”

“We’re hanging in there. C’mon, Endymion and Luna are out back.” He leads the way into the house, and I follow, my gaze eating up the décor surrounding us. In all my years of being here in Dunsmuir, I never Copyright 2016 - 2024