Chasing the Moon - S.M. Soto Page 0,80

shoot him a glare, my stomach muscles tightening at the idea of anyone else near her, despite everything she’s done. “She’s off-limits.”

Bishop raises a brow, the corner of his mouth quirking with amusement. He knows exactly what he’s doing, and fuck him for doing it.

“I guess it would be kinda weird if your daughter started calling me Daddy, too, right?”

“I’d kill you.”

He starts choking on his beer through his laughter and raises his hands in surrender. “I’m kidding. Totally kidding. I promise, things will work themselves out, End. Give it time. Get to know your daughter and see where things go.”

“Yeah, we’ll see.”

The next morning, I ring the doorbell at Selene’s place, trying to ignore the nervous thrum of energy coursing through my body at the thought of seeing Luna again. Yesterday was a slow introduction for us. I didn’t learn much about her, but I did learn a whole hell of a lot about her toys and what she liked to play with. The thing is, I want to know everything about my daughter as a person. Her likes and dislikes and everything else in between.

I can’t help but overthink, something I’ve never done. Will she love me as much as I love her? What if she doesn’t like me as a father? I have all these worries at the forefront of my mind that I have to struggle to tamp down.

My grip around the bouquet in my hand tightens just as the front door opens. Selene stands there, looking fresh-faced and beautiful. Dressed in a loose shirt that hangs off one shoulder and a pair of leggings, she’s never looked more gorgeous, and I hate that that’s the first thing I notice. My anger should be the only emotion I feel when I look at this woman, not desire.

Her bright honey eyes widen when she glances down at the bouquet in my hands. She presses her hand to her mouth to hide the quivering of her chin. The only real thing I got out of my daughter yesterday was the fact that she mentioned sunflowers were her favorite flower. It’s obvious that me standing here with a bouquet of sunflowers for Luna makes Selene emotional.

As if my thoughts summon her, giggling echoes down the hallway until Luna pokes her little head out from behind her mother’s legs. Her little face breaks out into a smile that hits me square in the chest. Stepping outside, she looks as beautiful and perfect as she did the day before.

Today she is wearing a romper with crescent moons on it and little white Vans on her feet that are, in fact, no longer white. A crescent hair tie keeps her hair secured at the top of her head.

Luna reminds me so much of her mom dressed like this.

She glances at the bouquet clutched in my hand, and her eyes widen. “Are those mine?” she whispers, looking unsure.

“They are.” I hand the flowers to her, and Luna takes them, hugging them to her chest so tightly, I’m surprised half of them aren’t crushed to a pulp. Her eyes are round with awe as she stares down at them. “Wow,” she breathes. “I’ve never seen real sunflowers before. Mommy, look at them!” She shoves them up, practically hitting Selene in the face with them. Selene laughs, a soft, indulgent smile on her face as she stares down at Luna.

“They’re beautiful, baby. Why don’t you both sit inside while I finish making breakfast? Go on.” She pats Luna’s little bottom, getting her moving. Luna runs off with the flowers, her sandaled feet slapping against the hardwood floors as she goes.

Selene shuts the door behind me, and she pauses, looking like she wants to say something, but before she can, I take off toward Luna. I came here to spend time with my daughter, not listen to any more of her apologies.

When I step into Gavin’s living room, a space I’ve sat in countless times before watching the game with a beer in hand, it suddenly feels different. It’s odd that I’m here now with my daughter. Yesterday, Selene mentioned her mother and Gavin would be gone most of the day since he had a doctor’s appointment. It would give me the time alone with my daughter I need. I don’t like feeling as if I’m being judged and watched by everyone while I’m trying to get to know Luna.

She sits there on the couch, legs swinging, staring up at me expectantly as I take the Copyright 2016 - 2024