Chasing the Moon - S.M. Soto Page 0,70

we both stand there, saying nothing as we stare at one another. The air crackles with a tension that is so potent, it’s a live wire between us. Apprehension snakes its way through my veins, and my stomach turns uncomfortably.

That moment evaporates when I shut the door behind me, meeting him on the porch steps. Those lips that kissed me senselessly only hours prior now thin into a grim line and the muscle in his jaw fastens with frustration. His breathing turns heavy with whatever emotions he’s feeling.

“Hey,” I offer timidly, testing the waters. If possible, his face becomes more severe at the sound of my voice. “How are you?”

Endymion’s brows raise incredulously. “How am I? How am I?” The tenor of his voice ramps up in volume, and his thunderous expression has fear skipping down my spine. He takes a threatening step into me, and on instinct, I stumble back. My senses are on high alert. “How the fuck do you think I’m doing, Selene?”

Tightness spreads through my chest, making my throat tight. “I know. I’m sorry. That was dumb. I just…I just didn’t know where your head was after last night.”

“And where the fuck would you expect it to be?” he bellows, and I flinch at the ire in his voice. A sob builds in my throat. I’ve never had anyone talk to me the way he is right now. I’ve never done well being yelled at. Maybe it’s from years of living in a home with parents who fought the same way, but my stomach tightens, and I grow uneasy. I risk a glance back at the house, worried Luna will hear his raised voice. A few of his men have stopped working and are glancing our way, likely trying to figure out what’s happening between us.

“I’m so sorry, End,” I whisper.

“You’re sorry?” He scoffs. The sound is a finely crafted blade to the heart. “You stole my daughter from me, Selene, and you think your sorry makes it all fucking better?”

“Please, just calm down and let me explain.”

“Calm down?” He takes another step into me. This time, when I look into his eyes that are filled with anger, I finally see the other emotions. The sadness. His frustration. And the fear. He’s confused and angry with me, rightfully so, but he’s also scared. I just wish I knew about what.

I made a mistake, and chances are, I’ll never be able to make it right.

“There is nothing you can say that will justify this.” He clenches his jaw against the words, the veins in his jugular protruding against his tan skin. End rakes a frustrated hand through his hair, tugging on the ends. He looks like a feral, caged animal that is unable to handle his emotions. “What the fuck did you think my reaction was going to be? Did you think I wouldn’t find out? I’ve missed six fucking years of her life. Six years!”

My eyes slam shut as I work to keep the tears at bay, but it’s futile. “I’m sorry, Endymion. There’s so much you don’t understand…so much—”

“The only thing I don’t understand is what kind of cold-hearted person could do this,” he grits out coldly, taking another step forward. My back is flat against the front door. I sink into the wood, sagging against it to hold me upright. I wish it would swallow me whole. I feel the anger radiating off Endymion. He hovers just mere inches from me, his scent infiltrating my senses, making it hard for me to think clearly. “Just tell me why. Make me understand what was going through your head when you decided to run off to Pasadena and have my baby without telling me.”

His tone gets my back up. He knows he’s bullying me. He knows just how guilty I’m feeling, and he wants to tear me down. Fire burns through my veins, and I narrow my gaze, holding on to this sudden burst of anger.

“You were drunk, Endymion!” I snap. “You were so drunk you don’t remember taking my virginity. That next morning, I came to you so we could talk, and you ran off with Holly. I didn’t know, okay? I didn’t find out until much later, and by then, it’d been months since that night. I didn’t know how to explain what happened. I didn’t know how Holly would take the news. The idea of her boyfriend getting someone else pregnant while you two were together. I was confused and scared!”

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