Chasing the Moon - S.M. Soto Page 0,48

pass it off on Julia, begging her to take it from me, but she just laughs, pushing the box back toward me.

“Oh, no, that’s all yours, girlfriend. You’ll be needing it since you’ve been turning down a certain someone left and right.”

I shoot Julia a glare, drilling holes into the side of her head with my eyes, begging her to shut it. It’s too late, though. The women closest to us have caught on.

“Who have you been turning down?”

“Someone’s been showing interest?”

“Oh, my. Who is it?”

My grip tightens around the box, and I have the sudden urge to chuck it at Julia’s head. I mouth the word, “Asshole,” to her, but she just grins cheekily in response. I try not to let it bother me that a few women seem surprised someone is showing interest at all.

“It’s Endymion. He’s been asking Selene here out on dates, and because Selene is a complete psycho, she keeps turning him down. He even brought her flowers.”

A handful of gasps sound around the room, and suddenly, I’m the focus of everyone’s attention. Reina chokes on a scorn-filled laugh.

“I’m sorry, did you just say Endymion as in Endymion Black?” There’s disbelief in her tone. It has me wishing this couch would just swallow me whole—anything to get out of this room. I risk a glance at Reina and find her glaring at me. When I glance to her left, Holly is staring at me with an odd expression on her face. It’s not quite anger, but she’s obviously not happy about this news. She sniffs, turning her nose up at me, and she pretends not to care. But it’s obvious she does.

That’s just another reason I need to steer clear of Endymion.

“Well, I say it’s about damn time you two get together,” Beth-Ann says.

I shake my head. “Oh, no. We’re not…I’m not…I said no.”

“Why the hell would you do that?” everyone damn near shouts in unison.

“No offense, but why would he bother with you? You have a kid?” There’s no mistaking the disgust that laces Reina’s tone. I press my lips together, holding in the cold retort that’s on the tip of my tongue.

That’s my cue to leave.

“Ignore her. Some people don’t understand what fate is,” Julia tosses back at Reina. I force a smile on my face and push up.

“I should probably get going anyway. I do have a daughter to get home to. It was so great seeing you all again. And Beth-Ann, I had fun. Thank you for…this.” I raise the box that’s in my hands, still not sure how the hell I’m going to get rid of this thing.

Julia walks me to the front door, her face colored with anger. She keeps muttering under her breath, and I can only imagine what has her this upset. Julia has always been the momma bear in our friendship. Where I’m the quiet wallflower, she’s the outspoken one who’s not afraid to tell anyone what’s on her mind, or more like, put someone in their place.

“Who does that bitch think she is?” she hisses. Snatching the box from my hands, she shoves it inside a nondescript bag, then gives it back to me.

I blow out a sigh. “It’s fine. I’m used to it.”

“You shouldn’t have to be used to anything. People should just be decent human beings instead of assholes who weren’t raised right.”

I grin at her. “You know I love you, right?”

That gets her to calm down some. “I love you, too. Do me a favor. Bring my niece over soon? I’m kind of dying to fill her head with some mementos she can keep forever.”

I roll my eyes, edging toward the door. “Oh, yeah, because that’s exactly what my five-year-old needs. Mementos from you, of all people.”

“What? I’m great!”

I can’t even hold back my laughter on my way out. “Bye, Julia. See you tomorrow.”

“Seven sharp!”

“Got it,” I toss back over my shoulder, as I make my way down the porch steps. I glance to my left since that’s the way back home, but I pause, my head automatically turning right toward the creek. It’s already late. I should probably head home and get to bed early before work tomorrow, but I find myself taking the detour anyway. Almost like the creek and the moon are calling my name.

I pass over the hill, and my steps falter when I near the water. I notice something lying in the grass, and when I close in on what it is, my heart trips over itself Copyright 2016 - 2024