Chasing the Moon - S.M. Soto Page 0,45

her duplex, and we stayed there for a few years, before we were able to upgrade to something a bit better once I opened Moonchild. With the profit I was making from it and the money from my mother’s job, it helped pay for the new house, but it was still hard to coordinate our schedules, so we could take care of Luna. While I was in college, my mom stayed home with Luna for me until I got off, then she’d head out for work and come home late at night.

When I opened Moonchild, things were a little more financially stable. Until it wasn’t. But none of it never left any room for me to go out and make friends or meet new people. I wasn’t exactly interested in starting a new relationship, so I guess I never really went out of my way to look or open myself up to more possibilities.

“I’m living with my parents, Julia. I’m not exactly in the best place to start a relationship with anyone. I need to focus on Luna and my father.”

“So what? You think Endymion doesn’t understand? He has his own place for God’s sake. It’s not like he’s going to bang you on your father’s couch.”

I slam my eyes shut and shake my head at her. And as much as I try not to, I picture just that—him banging me on my father’s couch or me bent over, his muscled body pumping in and—

“You’re thinking about it, aren’t you?”

“What? No.”

She smirks with a knowing gleam in her eyes. “Yeah, sure. Neither was I. So what are you going to do, keep turning him down until he moves on?”

“Well, yeah. That was the plan.”

“And if he doesn’t move on?”

I come up short. I hadn’t really thought about that. Can I keep saying no to Endymion forever, even if it is the right thing to do?

My brain says yes, but my heart, that foolish organ, says no.

“Selene! How are you, sweetie?” Rita’s voice rings loudly in the diner, interrupting my thoughts as she walks up to our table. I shoot her a smile that doesn’t quite reach my eyes. I love her as a person, but I’m not exactly sure how much I’ll love working for her.

“I’m doing well. How are you?”

“Oh, you know, just getting old. I hear you have a sweet little girl now. What’s her name?”

My smile turns genuine. “Luna.”

“My, how time flies. I remember when you were just a little thing. Now look at you, a baby with a baby. Julia tells me you’re looking for a job?”

I perk up. “I was actually hoping I could interview here with you.”

Rita waves me off. “No need for an interview, honey. You’ll start Friday. Just shadow Julia for the day. She’ll give you a quick crash course on how everything works at the diner.” Her name gets called from the kitchen, and she places a gentle hand on my shoulder. “We’re all so glad to have you back, sweetie. See you Friday.”

Once she disappears into the kitchen, I turn toward Julia. “Well, that was easier than I expected.”

“You sure about working here, Selene? It’s not exactly glamorous, like owning your own business.”

I roll my eyes. “Yeah, and look how well that turned out for me? I don’t really have any other choice. I need to get back on my feet, and if Rita’s is my way of doing it, so be it.”

“All right.” She sighs, pushing up from her seat. “I gotta head back, so bust out that notepad and start taking notes, girlfriend. Oh, and are you still stopping by tomorrow?”

I groan. “Do I have to?”

“Yes! You know how Beth-Ann can be. I refuse to let my sister use my house for this dildo party if I don’t have any moral support.”

I stifle my laughter. “Okay, fine. As long as I don’t have to, you know, take any of those things home.”

“Those things?” she mocks. “What are you, a virgin? How did you even get pregnant? I will never understand.”

With a shake of her head, Julia ties her uniformed apron around her waist and gets back to work. I follow her until she tells me to park my ass down and take notes. She obviously doesn’t like the idea of me shadowing her so closely. I sit for a while longer, watching Julia and a few of the other waitresses take orders and bus tables. I try to get a feel for what it’ll be like working here. Copyright 2016 - 2024