Chasing the Moon - S.M. Soto Page 0,37


“I had a feeling you’d be out here.”

My brows jump. “Why would you think that?”

He shrugs, dropping down on the grass next to me, looking out at the water. “You came here last night, so I guess I was hoping you’d do the same tonight, too.” He leans back on his forearms and elbows, mirroring the pose I had adopted minutes before. “It’s oddly peaceful out here.”

“It is,” I whisper, still trying to wrap my head around the fact that he’s here, sitting next to me again.

“It’s weird. I’ve always been drawn to this creek. I’ve just never understood why. But I guess I can see why you come out here. It’s quiet. Helps you think.”

My heart lurches for multiple reasons, one being the fact that he feels drawn to this place. The place we created a child together. And also, because he admitted he came here in the hopes of seeing me.


He turns to look at me with his brows pulled together in a questioning gaze. I feel his eyes sweeping across my face, lingering on my lips, then back up to my eyes.

“Why?” he parrots. “Why it helps me think, or why something else?” There’s a knowing gleam in his eyes. He knows exactly what I’m referring to. The corner of his mouth kicks up, and he puts me out of my misery by answering for me. He shifts, distributing his weight, so he can face me. I feel his gaze burrow beneath my skin. There’s an odd current in the air as we stare at each other. “Because I wanted to see you again.”

My stomach dips.

Butterflies that I haven’t felt since I was a young girl take flight, flapping their wings recklessly. The way he’s looking at me…the way I’m feeling…it’s all so dangerous.

“But why?” My voice is nothing more than a whisper. I’m surprised he even hears it.

“Because I can’t get you out of my head, Selene.” Ever so slowly, he starts leaning toward me. My eyes grow wide, and my breath gets caught in my throat. Part of me wants to push him away and run from this, but the bigger part, that part wants his lips on mine again.

We’re like magnets, a negative and a positive drawn together. I feel my body leaning in to meet him, even when I know it’s wrong. Even when I know this is a mistake, I can’t seem to stop it from happening.

Just before our lips touch, our breaths intermingling—on the verge of getting reacquainted—the soft pants blow across each other’s faces, breathing each other in, clarity smacks me on the forehead. I freeze, and like a bucket of ice was dumped on me, my entire body grows unbearably cold. With quick, jerky movements, I back up, darting my gaze away, looking at anything but him.

My chest burns as I stare out at the water. I can feel his gaze searing into the side of my skull. I press my lips together tightly, fighting to breathe past the tight fist around my lungs.

“You can’t do that,” I scold.

“Do what?”

My heart pricks with regret. “You know what.”

Silence descends between us as we just sit and stare out at the rippling creek, avoiding each other.

“Can I ask you something?” he asks, after some time passes.

Tightness blocks my airway. “Sure.”

“That guy at the restaurant tonight…were you considering his offer? Of seeing him?”

“I—well, no…I’m not exactly in a good place to be dating right now.”

“Hmm.” If I’m not mistaken, the sound is a pleased one. “So, you wouldn’t make an exception for anyone?”

“What? What do you mean?”

He laughs. The sound, so warm and raspy, that it travels from my fingertips down to my toes. “I mean, if I wanted to take you out, what would your answer be?”

Slowly, I turn to face him. I search his eyes, looking for his angle, trying to figure out if this is some sick joke. But all I see reflected back at me is genuine interest.

“I…no…we couldn’t…I couldn’t…”

A wide grin spreads across his face. It’s slow in its descent but blinding, nonetheless. He’s enjoying this.

“Give me one good reason.”

“I can give you several.”

His mouth quirks. “Fine. Let me hear them.”

“I—” I choke on all the reasons I should say. A disbelieving sound bubbles up my throat at how ludicrous this whole situation is. A heavy moment hangs between us. Him staring at me, waiting for me to tell him all the reasons this isn’t a good idea, and me, staring at him, knowing all the words Copyright 2016 - 2024