Chasing the Moon - S.M. Soto Page 0,158

to mine in question. “Yeah?”

“And Bea, you’re a Virgo. You know what this means, right?” she asks, waggling her brows suggestively. My face heats because I know exactly what she’s getting at. Virgo’s and Taurus’s are compatible when it comes to love and relationships. I know every single astrological sign and who their compatible partners are. I’ve always been fascinated with astrology and how it comes in to play in our everyday lives. And now it seems like Myrah is using this against me.

“Shut up,” I hiss under my breath, nudging Myrah with my knee. Completely ignoring me, Myrah turns toward Liam, going on.

“Li, did you know you and Bea are compatible love partners in the eyes of astrology? Bea swears by it.”

I gasp. “I do not!”

Myrah shoots me a look. “Bea, you made your mom buy you a buttload of astrology textbooks after that old one fell apart, and you’ve been mapping out your future based on the planets and the stars for as long as I’ve known you.” I deflate against Myrah’s couch. “I’m just pointing out that the two of you are compatible partners, that’s all. I’m not telling you what to do with the information, just throwing it out there,” she says, raising her hands above her head in a surrendering motion. I internally groan in embarrassment, almost too afraid to look at Liam for his reaction.


Liam stares at his cousin, fighting a grin, and turns his magnetic eyes toward me. His gaze pins me in place, seizing my lungs. Slowly, the corners of his mouth turn up into a smirk.

“Interesting.” His tongue juts out, wetting his plump lower lip and I swear, I almost black out. My brain wars with the violent things happening in my body. I can’t get a handle on myself, or my hormones for that matter.

Great, I’ve turned into the cliché hormonal teenager.

“I’ll see you guys tomorrow, I should probably head home before my mom calls. Again,” I say as an excuse, hopping to my feet, and flying out the front door. Anything to avoid Liam’s probing stare and the urges flowing through my body.

For the life of me, I couldn’t wrap my brain around why I was so attracted to Liam. He made me feel giddy and whenever I was near him, my insides turn to liquid. Hot pliable liquid. There was no denying how handsome he was. That was obvious just by looking at him, but there was something else too. Whenever Liam looked at me, his gaze did something to me. He made me feel things that I’ve never felt before. His eyes had the potential to reach inside and caress my soul, and that’s exactly what it felt like he was doing each time he looked at me.

He was caressing me. Breaking me down piece by piece.

The following morning, I’m forced to have breakfast with my new “family”. Mom caught me just before I was out the door heading to Myrah’s and scolded me for not spending more time here. With our family. I just gave her an eye roll. Because moms.

For the most part it isn’t too bad, just a little quiet and a lot awkward.

“Bea, maybe you can introduce Connor to the neighbors. I’m sure he’ll appreciate meeting some new people.” Mom smiles encouragingly at me from across the kitchen table, piercing her perfectly cut pancakes, and I do my best to smile back.

“Of course.”

I shift my eyes to Connor who’s just staring at me, once again, not making any move to finish his food. Another shiver runs through my body, but I suppress it.

After breakfast, I hurry into my room to dress, and try to reach the phone so I can warn Myrah about the new visitor, but much to my displeasure, Connor is already waiting outside my door, ready to go.

We silently walk side by side to Myrah’s house. There’s an awkwardness in the air that I’m not used to, and I can only think to blame it on him and his foreboding presence. Heaving a massive sigh, I knock on the door, with my signature knock and hear Myrah’s pounding feet from inside. She throws open the door with a smile, but when she gets a good look at my guest, her smile falters for a fraction of a second. She eyes me in question, and I shrug my shoulders in answer.

“Myrah, this is my new stepbrother, Connor. Connor, this is my best friend Myrah. Mom thought it would be a good Copyright 2016 - 2024