Chasing the Moon - S.M. Soto Page 0,146

fast asleep in her crib. So far, she’s been our calmest child, and for that, I’m all too thankful. There’s not a lot of downtime these days.

I have Luna, who is now a sixteen-year-old and sassy as all hell, Gavin, a nine-year-old who seems to roughhouse with his six-year-old little brother, Zander, any chance he gets, and finally, our sweet Flora who is eight weeks old. On most nights, our house is filled with bickering children or their vivacious laughter, but I wouldn’t change it for the world, and I know Endymion wouldn’t either.

It hasn’t been easy, raising a family while running Moonchild, but my mom and Julia are incredible at helping pick up the slack when I need it. After much consideration, my mom decided to stay in Dunsmuir. I think, despite the heavy memories of the past, she couldn’t bear the thought of being away from her grandchildren. With my father’s house officially in my name, I told my mom she could stay there as long as she needed. It was also in part because I couldn’t stomach the thought of letting the property go. It had Gavin Drake written all over it. It was the last piece of my father that I truly had.

Endymion and the guys still own the construction company, though now, they’ve broadened their customer base. They don’t just limit themselves to work in the surrounding areas anymore. They’ve since expanded to all of northern California. End is great when it comes to traveling. If he feels like the job is too far, he makes arrangements for the guys and handles his blueprints from home.

He’s all about family first, and when you see him with our kids, it shows. Endymion is an incredible father, and dare I say, an even better husband. He’s the very best thing that’s ever happened to me.

I’m in the kitchen cleaning up the mess from lunch when I glance out the window, spotting Luna and her friends. They’re in the backyard, and a smile tugs at the corners of my lips when I spot the sunflowers. One summer End took it upon himself to plant over three dozen sunflowers in the backyard, all in varying sizes. Luna just about cried when she saw what her dad had done for her, and me? Well, I did cry, like a baby.

I pause what I’m doing when I notice the look on my sweet girl’s face. Luna has always been the spitting image of her father, but she’s a lot like me in so many ways. My heart squeezes at the expression on her face. It’s one I know well.

I follow the trajectory of her gaze, and my stomach dips.

Oh, no.

Aiden Saint.

He must sense Luna’s gaze because he glances at her, his brows furrowing when she looks away. He does the same, going back to pretending she isn’t there, but I notice the way he watches her when no one else is looking. The way his jaw tightens with frustration when someone else sits and talks to her. It’s a trip back to my youth.

Grabbing a handful of water bottles out of the fridge, I head outside. At the sound of the porch door opening, everyone looks my way.

“If you guys get thirsty, here are some waters.” I leave them on the porch next to Luna, who looks like she’d rather be anywhere else than here.

As I’m walking away, I hear the comment made by one of the boys, and my heart squeezes for my daughter.

“Jesus Christ, Luna. Your mom is hot as hell.” It’s my niece Valeria’s boyfriend. Her boyfriend is best friends with Aiden, the one boy my daughter can’t seem to keep her eyes off. The same boy who can’t keep his eyes off her, too. “She’s hot, ain’t she, Saint?” Val’s boyfriend directs the question to Aiden. I hear his deep reply.


Back in the kitchen, I press a hand to my sternum, rubbing away the sudden ache there as I take in the pain that’s written all over Luna’s face. His comment hurt her, for obvious reasons. I make a note to have a discussion with her later about how idiotic young boys can be.

I drift back to the pain I felt whenever I’d see End with Holly. Even though she’s no longer an issue in our lives anymore, I still can’t help but sympathize with that young heartbroken girl who felt like she never quite compared. After hearing about our engagement and my pregnancy, Holly finally backed Copyright 2016 - 2024