Chasing the Moon - S.M. Soto Page 0,130

I do like Griffin a lot more than I let on. He’s a manwhore, but Jesus Christ, the things that man can do with his tongue you wouldn’t belie—”

I pretend to gag. “Please stop. I don’t need the dirty details. I just want to know why you didn’t tell me. Is this payback for me not telling you?”

Julia brushes her booted foot through the dirt beneath our feet, stalling. “Don’t be ridiculous. It’s because I didn’t want to ruin it. If I talk about it, it’s bound to ruin things, right? I figured if I didn’t tell anyone, it would make it hurt less when this all goes to shit.”

I frown. “Jules, talking about something good in your life, something that makes you happy, won’t make it go to shit. Don’t speak your negativity into existence, only the positive.”

Julia’s lips quirk. “You’re a goddamn hippie. You know that?”

I nudge her in the side with my elbow playfully. “Oh, shut it. You love me and my hippie-dippie ways.”

“You’re not wrong. Now, let’s go sit with your parents. Your mother looks like she’s bored out of her mind.”

She’s not wrong. My dad’s been talking to a handful of his friends, but my mom is still just sitting there, looking unenthused. I think being in Pasadena changed something in her. I know she misses it there. It’s a completely different way of life. One a big city and the other a small town where no secrets are kept.

“Looking a little bored there, Cece,” Julia comments.

My mom sighs. “This town hasn’t changed one bit. It’s all still taking some getting used to.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I spot movement, and a grateful smile takes over my face when I see who it is. Endymion and Luna are heading our way, but in tow is his family. They take the empty tables next to my parents’ table, and Aurora heads straight for my mother, pulling her into a hug and taking the seat next to her. The two dive into conversation like they’ve been the best of friends their entire life.

“Well, that was easier than I was expecting,” Julia comments. I laugh in agreement because that is not what I anticipated. I thought Julia and me would have to sit next to my mom for the rest of the night and keep her company so she wouldn’t lose her mind.

It feels good to watch our families connect and spend time together. It’s sad to think we could’ve been doing this long before now.

“Selene, can we talk for a sec?”

My brows draw in, and I tense at the sound of Freya’s voice. I haven’t had a conversation between just the two of us in years. Endymion’s younger sister seems to go out of her way to avoid me, and ever since the truth came out and she’s made her feelings about me known, I’ve done the same.

Glancing over Freya’s shoulder, I share a look with Julia. She just raises her brows, clearly as surprised by this as I am. Plastering a smile on my face, I nod, following in step beside Freya as she puts some distance between our families and us.

“Look, I just wanted a moment to clear the air with you. I had no right to give you the cold shoulder the way I did during the barbecue at my parents’ place. I was…angry, on my brother’s behalf, but I didn’t have all the facts. I didn’t know how he felt about you, and I didn’t know about that night. At the creek.”

My face flames with embarrassment.

“Did End put you up to this?”

A small smile quirks her lips. “He did, and didn’t, if that makes sense. He explained everything, and I felt the need to clear the air with you. Despite what has happened, we are family, and I love my niece to absolute pieces. So, thank you for being an incredible mother, and thank you for loving my brother the way you do. He’s never quite felt like he belonged here in this town, with anyone, until he met you.”

“Thank you, Freya. That means a lot. And for what it’s worth, I never wanted to hurt any of you, and I’m so incredibly sorry if I did.”

Freya’s eyes soften, and she pulls me into a hug. “I know, Selene. We’re sisters now, and sisters stand together. Always.”

I tighten my arms around her and breathe out a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Freya.”

“Don’t thank me, just do me a favor and keep Copyright 2016 - 2024