Chasing the Moon - S.M. Soto Page 0,115

through the open front door, and when she sees me, a grin spreads across her little face, and she runs toward me.

“Daddy!” I bend, taking her into my arms. She wraps her little self tightly around me, and I settle her on my hip. “Can I see my room now?”

“You sure can. Where’s your mom?”

“Right here,” Selene says, stopping in the doorway of the kitchen. She’s dressed casually in a pair of pants that hug her shapely legs to perfection and a loose top that has me dying to rip it over her head and take one of her pink nipples into my mouth. As if sensing where my thoughts are headed, heat climbs onto her cheeks, and she averts her gaze, hiding her smile.

“Jesus, you two are like rabbits.” Landon huffs, as he passes us to grab a water from the fridge. Luna glances up at me, an adorable frown between her brows.

“Why are you and Mommy rabbits?”

I share a look with Selene, who is fighting her laughter. “Didn’t you know, your mommy loves rabbits.”

Her little eyes widen, and she looks at her mom as though she can’t believe she kept this news from her. “Me too!”

After taking a swig of his water, Landon steps up beside me and pokes Luna in her side, making her giggle.

“What’s up, squirt?”

“Hey, Uncle Lan.” She’s taken to calling the guys uncle, not that I think they mind. Though now, it seems they enjoy the competition aspect of it, the who is the best uncle?

“You ready for another game of tag?”

Luna giggles. “Yes! But first, my daddy is going to show me my room.”

“Your daddy? What about me?”

“Okay, fine.” She sighs. “You can show me.” Luna glances up at me, silently asking for my permission. This is the first time she’s ever done it. Usually, she goes to Selene for permission, but the fact that she came to me first has warmth flowing through my chest.

“C’mon, squirt. Let’s give your mom and dad a chance to kiss in private so that it doesn’t gross us out.” That draws a laugh out of Selene, and we both watch as Landon walks off with Luna. Once they’re out of sight, I close the distance between us, tugging her into my arms. She falls into me, her soft curves at home against my body. She rests her chin on my chest, staring up at me.

“You look beautiful.” I tuck the stray chocolate strands behind her ears.

She smiles up at me, and it hits me square in the chest. “So we’re really doing this?”

“We are. You having second thoughts?”

Selene shakes her head. “I’m not. You were right. This feels right. Being here with you feels right. I’m just having a hard time leaving my parents there. Especially now that my dad…” She trails off, her eyes glistening with moisture. I tighten my grip around her.

Dipping my head, I press a kiss to her lips, soaking in her taste, trying to kiss her pain away. “It’s going to be fine. They’re down the street. We’ll stop by every day if it makes you feel better.”

She gives me a wobbly smile. “It does. Thank you.”

As if remembering something, she digs into her purse and pulls out a folder. I glance down at it with a frown when she hands it to me.

“This is yours. Well, not technically, but—whatever. Just open it.”

Taking the folder from her, I open it, and my chest squeezes when I see what’s inside. It’s Luna’s birth certificate with my name beneath the father’s information. My daughter is no longer just a Drake, but officially a Black.

“When did you do this?”

She nervously tucks stray hairs behind her ears. “Started the process the day after I told you the truth. Your mom helped me with your signature to make it official. You should really pay more attention to the things you sign, you know.”

So many things are happening inside me all at once, and I can’t seem to pin it down to just one. I pull Selene into my arms and kiss her. I kiss her fiercely with a passion that has fire shooting through my veins.

“Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me, End. This is what you deserved from the very start.”

I give her one last peck on her lips. “Come on. Luna is probably blackmailing Landon and the rest of the guys into buying her more toys.”

Selene laughs, nodding her head, because it sounds exactly like something our daughter would do.

Taking her hand in mine, I lead us Copyright 2016 - 2024