Chasing Heartbreak (Dark Love #6) - Kat T. Masen Page 0,61

which is exactly what I need. The silence and the click of my fingers against the keyboard is a like a drug so desperate to ease the pain trying to kill me. Therefore, the more I type, the more control I feel like I have over my life.

The door swings open, much to my disapproval at worker’s ignorance and their inability to knock. I’m about to abuse the rude person when I look up and see Noah standing at the door.

He closes the door behind him, appearing tired without having shaved. His beard is unkempt, and he’s still dressed in a pair of jeans and white tee with a baseball cap on his head.

“Noah, how is Nash?” I stand, worried at his disheveled appearance, thinking the worst.

“Did you tell Morgan we’re getting married?”

“What?” I shake my head in confusion. “No. It was a misunderstanding.”

“Jesus fucking Christ, Kate!” he yells, his fists curled into a ball. “She called me last night, telling me everything. She’s threatening to take Jessa away from me.”

The hurt falls like an avalanche. I don’t even know how to defend myself. I look up, and he’s staring at me with resentment. I feel the heat rising to my cheeks and pray it isn’t noticeable. I cough and then push my hair back behind my ear, even though it’s already there.

“I never said that,” I tell him, stunned by the conversation. “Jessa said those words.”

“She said you said Jessa lied.”

“You know what? How dare you, Noah, take her side without even listening to what I have to say.”

He fails to trust me or even think I’d ever do something to jeopardize his family. I’ve barely been able to keep myself together the last twenty-four hours, and now I learn he can’t even trust me? He’ll take the word of his jealous ex-wife, or should I say, wife, over his best friend who has wanted nothing but the best for him.

“I never said those words. She’s three, Noah. Did it ever occur to you that maybe she confused what I said?”

“Why were you even talking to her?”

“I have work to do. Please leave the office.”

“What do you want me to do? I get several calls from Morgan accusing me of being in a romantic relationship with you. She thinks we’re getting married and having a kid. Then she tells me you said Jessa is a liar.”

“Believe what you want to believe. This is exactly what I was afraid of.”

“She’s her mother. You can’t possibly understand what’s that like.” The second it leaves his lips, I bow my head to stop the pain from consuming me whole.

“You’re right. I’ll never understand what it’s like to be a mother. But I understand what it’s like to love someone, be honest, and treat people with respect. I’ve only wanted the best for you, Noah, always, and you can believe whoever you want to believe. I didn’t sign up for this. In fact, I’ve been avoiding exactly this. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to leave.”

I close my laptop, not even shutting it down and pulling the cord out of the wall. Walking in silence, he continues to stare at me without a word.

“So, you’re leaving to go back to Paris?”

I carry my laptop in my arms, staring at him with a pained gaze. “The crazy thing is, Noah, I was willing to wait for you. Just like you asked.”

“And now, what?” His tone is unforgiving and fueled with animosity. “You’ll run back to him?”

“I’m not going to chase heartbreak, Noah, with you or Dominic.”

I never claimed to be wise with my heart, but I do recognize it breaking into a million pieces. Swallowing the lump inside my throat, I try to escape the man who has held me hostage with just his penetrating stare.

“I’d rather be on my own.”


Arriving back in Paris brings on a different wave of emotions.

A place, once so pure and beautiful in my eyes, now brings nothing but loneliness. It seems like everywhere I look, people are living their best lives. Laughter fills the streets, and couples walk hand in hand, gazing lovingly at each other with the spontaneous kisses to show their affection.

My resentment grows deeper, and patience wears thin. I no longer smile at strangers nor offer to step aside in a crowded street. Flowers bring little joy, the bunches which sit in buckets on the sidewalk seem like a ploy to get people to buy happiness. All of these things, combined, make Paris seem Copyright 2016 - 2024