Chasing Daylight - Brittney Sahin Page 0,72

you’re on the wanted list,” Asher pointed out. “Also, they don’t want to scare the hell out of people about The Huntsman running around America. So, we have some time.”

“But probably not very much,” Jessica noted, her voice lower, the baby in her arms falling asleep. “Also, it appears The Huntsman, or whoever is pulling the strings, had the Albanian wire money out of an account that belonged to Hamas.”

“Yeah, I’m guessing this story doesn’t end well for the Albanians, especially since Hamas’s money was supposedly going toward making a dirty bomb.” A.J.’s hand left her shoulder, but he remained behind her.

Ana’s arms slipped at Jessica’s announcement, but then she remembered why they were crossed, so she returned her forearms to cover her chest.

“Yeah, it’s not good,” Asher said with a grimace. “Hamas has twenty-seven million reasons to be angry.”

“Let’s just say the Feds in Boston are trying to prevent a total bloodbath from happening between the Albanians and Hamas,” Jessica added.

“Well, bright side, looks like Ivan Smirnoff may have inadvertently helped the Feds catch a few baddies by kidnapping that Albanian source.” A.J.’s hand brushed against her head, and she stole a look over her shoulder to see his hands gripping the back of her chair.

His focus swept to her face for a brief moment, and that intense look in his eyes was a reminder that no, maybe not even work talk could totally crush the feelings inside of her. One look and she was blazing hot again. How was it possible? “We have any idea where the twenty-seven million went?” A.J. reset his attention on the computer screen.

“Twenty-two million went to an account in the Maldives, and if it weren’t for the help of Harper and Natasha, I may not have found that one so fast. But the five million that went to a bank account in the Cayman Islands was an easy find,” Jessica said. “I still haven’t cracked who the accounts belong to, but I’m working on it. The assumption is the five million is payment to The Huntsman.”

“If someone shows up to collect from the bank in the Maldives, the FBI won’t be able to make a move,” Ana said with irritation. “No extradition there.”

“Well, the good news for us is that the bank in the Maldives requires on-site access for removal or transfer of the funds. Someone will have to come and sign for it to access the twenty-two million,” Jessica commented. “We’ll have a team watching the bank and waiting. Once we identify the account holder, they’ll already be there to move in.”

She made it sound so easy. Bypassing red tape. No forms to fill out. No judge approval.

“The Feds only sent a team to the bank down in the Caymans since they haven’t actually tracked the other transfer yet, and we’re not in a hurry to tell them. We won’t be going to the Caymans. The Feds can handle that. Not interested in any run-ins with them.” Jessica’s explanation meant that whoever hired A.J.’s team to follow Ana’s unit wasn’t the FBI.

“So, who is heading to the Maldives?” A.J. asked. “Don’t tell me Luke and Knox have to hop back on a plane already.” He released the chair, which had it moving ever so slightly at the loss of his grip.

“Yeah, but hopefully it’s a quick trip,” Jessica answered.

“Twenty-two million is a pretty good motivator for kidnapping the Albanian accountant,” Asher commented. “But why take the scientist? The ballerina? Why go after the Volkov source in Miami now?”

“The mole at the FBI, assuming there is one, cherry-picked those sources for a reason. Maybe each one has the potential to provide a big payday, I don’t know. But until we figure out the motive, or possible connection between the missing sources, we’ll be chasing our tails,” A.J. said, eyes back on the screen. “But my money is on the Russians.”

“Which Russians?” Asher grinned. “Team SVR or Volkov?”

These guys and their humor. “Do you mind telling me who directed your team to identify the leak? What if they want you looking at my unit as a distraction from the real problem?”

Based on the way Jessica’s mouth tightened before peering at the father of her babies, it was clear she wasn’t going to offer a name. Classified. “We’re under good authority to believe the man or woman who hired us is clean,” Jessica announced after an uncomfortable few moments passed. “But the FBI did learn you may not be exactly who your file claims you Copyright 2016 - 2024