Charming Devils - Katie May Page 0,56

caramel,” I hear Nana mutter, and his eyes turn heated when he stares at her.




“Well, now that I’m feeling better…” I say, voice laden with disgust. That vomit I mentioned earlier? It wants to make another appearance.

Before I can make my stealthy exit, the doorbell rings. I exchange a confused glance with Nana, even as Gabriel pushes off the wall, stalking into the foyer.

“I’ll get it,” he murmurs in his growly, raspy voice.

I hear the door opening, followed by a familiar voice. “How’s Peony doing?”


What the hell is he doing here?

On silent feet—and ignoring Nana’s amused expression—I patter to the foyer, placing my back flush against the wall to eavesdrop on their conversation.

“Who are you?” Gabriel asks coldly, crossing his muscular arms over his chest and staring down his nose at Karsyn. From this angle, I’m able to see both of them, but they still have yet to glimpse me. I watch as Karsyn’s eyes survey Gabriel from head to toe, noting his young age, his bare chest, and his mussed hair. If I’m not mistaken, jealousy flares to life in his hazel eyes, and he stands even straighter, puffing out his chest.

“Karsyn Alder,” he says, as if he thinks that name will mean something to a frowning Gabriel.

I can see the cogs and wheels turning rapidly inside Gabriel’s head as he tries to recall where he’s heard that name before. And I can also see the moment he pieces it together, when he remembers the numerous stories Nana must have told him about Karsyn Alder and the rest of the Devils.

I’m unable to see his eyes, but his entire body stiffens, and he stands taller, almost vibrating with animosity and tension.

“I think you should leave,” Gabriel says tersely, and I choose that moment to make my appearance.

Immediately, Karsyn’s eyes flicker over Gabriel’s shoulder and focus on me, roaming the length of my body and inspecting me for injuries.

“Simone.” His tone is unreadable.


An awkward silence ensues as Gabriel volleys his gaze between the two of us. After a moment, he takes a step towards me, giving Karsyn his back, and places a large hand on my shoulder. I watch Karsyn’s gaze zero in on the menial touch, hatred and jealousy emanating from his eyes.

“Will you be okay?” Gabriel queries, soft enough to not be overheard. Of course, that only pisses Karsyn off further, if his clenched hands are any indication. For all he knows, we’re whispering sweet nothings to each other. The thought of him being upset, of him being jealous, causes a wicked grin to curve up my lips as glee sparks inside of me.

“If I’m not, I’ll just zap his ass,” I assure him, and I swear the corners of his lips twitch. But before it can blossom into a full-blown smile, he gives my shoulder another squeeze before stalking off to join Nana and his brothers. I have no doubt that all four of them will eavesdrop from around the corner. After all, it’s what I would do.

I take a moment to study Karsyn as he does the same to me. His blond hair is freshly washed, as if he’s just come out of the showers, but it hasn’t been combed. Clumpy strands stick up in all directions. He’s wearing a faded T-shirt and low-slung blue jeans, and I can’t help but think how great they make his thighs look. I’m sure if he turned around, his ass would look even better.

“I thought you had a party tonight,” I blurt out, attempting to sound nonchalant.

“Canceled,” Karsyn says through gritted teeth, his gaze almost unnerving with its intensity. Finally, his eyelids flutter shut and he releases a heavy exhale, shoulders drooping. “Peony, how are you feeling? When I saw you get hit, I thought I—” He cuts himself off abruptly, reopening his eyes to meet my own.

“I’m fine,” I say quickly. “Don’t feel a thing. He must not have hit me that hard.” I shrug my shoulders, trying to act casual, but confusion and suspicion causes Karsyn’s eyes to narrow.

“You were tackled by a guy three times as large as you.”

“But I’m fine. See?” I punctuate the last word with a tiny shimmy of my hips, ending with a high kick. Instantly, my cheeks burn when I realize that I looked like a complete and utter dork.

Karsyn’s lips twitch before straightening into a thin line.

“I’m glad you’re okay.” Almost as if someone put a match to his ass, he turns on his heel and practically sprints outside.

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