Charming Devils - Katie May Page 0,167

surprised question, I lift my knee to his stomach. He curls in on himself, and I watch as the horror in his eyes slowly, gradually, turns into understanding.

“Who’s doing this to you?” he demands, and I can’t help but note the blood snaking across his plush red lips from my fist.

I try to shake my head, try to tell him that I don’t know, but I’m already moving. Moving. Moving.

Lucas lunges forward and wraps both of his arms around my chest, restraining me. My body kicks and buckles, attempting desperately to get away, while my mind screams at me to stop fighting. To remain in his arms.

More and more tears drip down my cheeks, landing on my mouth.

I can feel my head rear back, headbutting Lucas, followed immediately by his bark of pain. I pray that I didn’t break his nose.

I spin towards him as he doubles over, holding his face with both hands as more blood drips onto his still bare chest. Before he can make another move for me, I pull my leg back and kick him as hard as I can in the nuts.

“Don’t come find her.” It’s me speaking, but they aren't my words. The cadence is all wrong. Too dark. Too angry. Too malevolent.

Lucas spits out blood as he once more attempts to amble to his feet. “I will find you, and I will fucking kill you. Do you hear me? There is nowhere you can hide.”

The person controlling me uses my mouth to break into laughter, the cruel, cold sound grating on my nerves.

“I’d like to see you try, Lucas Scott.” Once more, my knee snaps up, knocking Lucas in the face. He falls to the ground, unconscious.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I’m shaking as my body mechanically turns back towards the doorway, stepping outside and into the bitter cold. With no sunlight to warm the normally tepid air, it’s freezing, goosebumps exploding on my arms. A bitter wind blows my hair around my face as my feet move over gravel and pebbles towards a tiny car waiting in my driveway.

I try to see the driver, try to see if I recognize anyone, but the windows are tinted.

The trunk of the car pops open, and it’s inside there I go.

Please no, I beg silently in my mind, but I can’t get the words past my lips. They’re simply trapped inside. Caged and pacing, like a restless prisoner.

I crawl into the trunk, my entire head twisting without my consent so I can’t see who comes and closes it.

I send out a plea into the universe, to anyone who could possibly hear me, but I don’t expect to receive an answer in return.

Bad girls like me? We never do.


I don’t know how long we drive, but it’s enough time for me to moderately regain control of my flaccid body. The process is slow-going. First, my toes begin to wiggle, followed by my ankles. And then, my fingers flutter like I’m doing jazz hands.

All too soon, I can feel the car pull to a stop, and I’m jerked forward, rolling once before my head hits the backseats of the car.

With my ear pressed against the seats, I can hear soft, murmured voices, but I can’t make out if they’re male or female. Young or old. They sound almost distorted, as if they’re using magic to disguise the sound.

My back faces the opening of the trunk, so I hear rather than see as it’s pulled open. I shiver as another gust of frigid air races over me, but that is nothing compared to the tremors that take over my body when I’m pulled against a strong chest.

I will my neck to move, if only so I can see who holds me captive, but my stubborn body remains weak and compliant.

I hear the distinct sound of leaves and twigs crackling beneath heavy boots. A forest, perhaps? That noise transitions into a loud thumping sound. Maybe wooden floorboards? Brick? Asphalt?

After what feels like an eternity, I’m roughly dropped onto a cold, smooth surface. My legs are spread towards each corner, as are my arms, until I’m lying spread-eagle on the table.

No, not a table.

A fucking altar.

It’s only then that I regain control of my body. It’s fast and sudden, but for the first time since this horror show began, I’m able to thrash wildly, attempting to escape the ropes holding me hostage.

“Let me go!” I scream, my voice raspy from crying.

“No can do,” a familiar voice says from somewhere behind me. I twist Copyright 2016 - 2024