Charmed by the Billionaire (Blue Collar Billionaires #2) - Lemmon, Jessica Page 0,61

tomorrow. We can take it slow. I can do a lot of completely satisfying things with my mouth without the sex.”

She looks almost hurt. “Is that what you want?”

“No! No. Not even a little. But it’s not like this expires when we check out of the hotel. We can have sex at home.”


That’s the second time she asked, and I admit I’m almost as surprised as she is that I offered. I wasn’t planning on dumping her on her ass after this trip, but I was expecting her to want to wrap things up. I thought after she’d taken what she needed from me, she’d be ready to go back to the way we were. I hadn’t thought that far ahead until now, but damn, why would we stop?

Answers line up to shout at me. Answers like “the intimacy,” “the questions,” and “because she’s your best friend.” I ignore them. They don’t know what I know. They don’t know Cris the way I know her. She’s cool. As evidenced by her suggestion to stop arguing and have sex instead. How many women have said that to a guy in the history of the world?



She doesn’t want to march the debate to its inevitable end, but that isn’t the only reason I’m continuing our affair after we leave Florida. I cup her breast and lean in for a kiss. “I won’t stop you if you would like to use me for my body some more tonight.”

She smiles so big I accidentally kiss her teeth. That moment is as memorable as the rest of them. Cute. Sweet. Sexy. Erotic. I’m not sure I’ve used those four words to describe one woman, but here we are.

What was I saying earlier? Oh right, the reason I’m continuing our affair after we leave. The main reason—I deepen the kiss as I roll her onto her back—is I’m having way too much fun with her to stop.

Chapter Twenty-One


I’m sitting across from Benji at the Thai restaurant, Muse Elephant. It’s trendy and delicious, and I’m damned relaxed considering the circumstances. I’ve been sleeping with my best friend/boss for over a week now, and things are going really well.

Like really, really well.

He was right about my being sore after that first night. The day we returned to Ohio, muscles I didn’t know I had were aching between my legs. Not that he was rough in any way. I was the one on top when I talked him into having sex before we checked out of the hotel. On a high from the night before, I didn’t hold back. Being in charge of his pleasure was both exciting and enthralling.

I couldn’t imagine doing any of it with anybody else. Or maybe I don’t want to. There’s a comfort level with him I don’t have with other people. I’ve seen him day in and day out consistently for the last year and a half or more. I can tell him if he has basil stuck in his teeth without either of us being embarrassed. Sex with him is so…easy. I have a feeling if I were with someone else I’d worry myself silly over my partner’s every microexpression.

We are doing remarkably well. I don’t have much experience, but I’ve offered a sympathetic ear to my girlfriends. I’ve heard about their dating lives, and let me tell you, it’s a lot of agonizing over “should I do this” or “is he doing that.”

I haven’t grilled Benji about his dating history since my rogue bout of curiosity at the hotel, but the women he’s dated have crossed my mind. I’ve known him for ten years, albeit most of those years from afar, but he didn’t date any of them long enough to know them as well as he and I know each other.

I sip my wine as he continues talking about work, silently wondering if his arms ever grow tired from holding up his guard.

His smile is hiding something. I assumed it masked stress at work. But what if it’s covering something thornier? Does he have a problem with intimacy?

There is a compatibility factor already in place thanks to our friendship. He certainly didn’t have friendship with Trish. I’m aware there was physical attraction between him and the women he dated, but it’s clear we have that component as well. Benji and I are off-the-charts physically attracted to each other. Not only have we crossed a couple of firsts off my list, but I’m teaching him a few things as well.

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