Chaos & the Geek (Grace Grayson Security #1) - Elizabeth Stevens Page 0,65

of takes the fun out. But…”

“Yeah.” I wasn’t really sure what I was agreeing to.

Was this small talk? If so, I didn’t care for it. We sounded so awkward. I felt like I was over-forcing the normality. Did I sound as stilted to him?

“Did you…have plans for dinner?” I asked him.

He nodded. “Work thing. Just have to change.”

I clapped my hands in front of my body totally casually. “Cool.”

His parting look lingered and I know mine did a lot of lingering in return. I couldn’t help it! Things swirled between us unspoken like I could feel them and I knew exactly what they were. And I wanted to answer them but, if I wanted Kit for the long-term, then just friends it was going to have to be.



I didn’t want to speak ill of all those opposite-sex friends who made it work. I’m sure there were plenty of guys capable of being friends with his best mate’s little sister. I’m sure there were other little sisters I could be friends with.

But me and Amber?

I wanted to do it. I wanted so badly to be what she needed me to be. But it was – figuratively and literally – hard.

Especially when she wandered out from her end of the penthouse on Friday night dressed in what could only be described as an outfit to eclipse all sexy librarian fantasies. She wore a tight-fitting sweater that accentuated all curves, a pleated plaid skirt that fell just above her knees, tights, and the sort of heels I remembered Petra calling booties. Her hair tumbled around her shoulders in soft waves and her glasses accentuated the make up around her eyes.

Hawk sniggered when he saw her.

“What?” she asked indignantly.

“I was worried about blokes eyeing you off all night.”

So had I. I still was.

“What is that supposed to mean?” Amber asked and looked around at us.

Tank and Nico were looking at her as well, but Rollie took the distraction to finally KO Nico’s fighter. He threw his arms up in the air, then looked around.

“Oh, hey,” he said to Amber. “You look nice.”

“Nice?” Hawk asked. “She looks like a grandma.”

No. Nope. She didn’t. And the situation in my pants was trying to be very vocal about that. I could be a gentleman and keep it to myself.

“She looks nice,” Nico reprimanded.

“Nice?” Amber scoffed, looking down at herself. “I was kind of hoping for a little more than nice.”

“I don’t know why I spent so many sleepless hours worrying about you and the girls going out,” Hawk said, matter-of-fact.

I couldn’t help myself. I threw a cushion at him.

“What?” he exclaimed.

I pointed at Amber. “Your sister’s hot, dude. Deal with your kinks on your own time.”

“You think my sister’s hot?” Hawk rounded on me. He was very close to the kind of face he used to pull back when we thought cooties were a legitimate threat.

I shrugged. “I have eyes, man. I don’t need to apologise for that. And, if you were any decent kind of brother, you’d realise a lot of guys are going to be interested in that.” My voice came out hard and disapproving in an effort to not give away how I really felt, and Amber heard every note crystal clear.

“So, is that supposed to change?” she sassed. “What’s the consensus, boys? Is that frumpy enough to leave the house? Or should that go and change into something more appropriate?”

I frowned at her. “That’s not what I meant.”

“No. By all means, Kit. I’d love to hear your thoughts on the matter. If I recall, your particular preference is tall, legs for miles, bleach blonde, very little brains and clothes so tight they’re really only a second skin!” she snapped.

None of us said anything – I think we were all too taken aback to come up with anything – and just watched as she struggled to get her coat on in her annoyance.

“Do you–” Hawk finally started but she huffed at him.

“I’m fine, thank you! I don’t know why I’m even…” She dropped the coat on the back of the couch. “I’m only going downstairs.”

She slid her phone into her pocket, then stomped off to the lift. When we heard the doors close behind her, we all let out a collective breath.

“I thought you guys were friends now?” Hawk accused.

I took a deep breath and forced myself to look at the TV. “Yeah. We are.”

“Siblings fight, man,” Rollie said encouragingly. “They’re fine.”

But were we fine? It didn’t feel fine. Not when I wanted to Copyright 2016 - 2024