Chaos & the Geek (Grace Grayson Security #1) - Elizabeth Stevens Page 0,5

my brother,” he said as though that explained everything. “Amber’s free to stay as long as she wants.”

“Done. Thanks, man,” Patrick laughed, and I opened my mouth completely pointlessly as they shook hands. “Now, I’ll have more excuses to see you,” he said happily as he looked at me.

Why was all I was doing nodding dumbly? I had so many questions. More objections. But nodding seemed all I was capable of.

“We can take her up now and then head off?” Kit asked, sounding like he couldn’t really care less about me now Patrick’s crisis was over.

I nodded. “Yeah. Sure.”

“Sweet!” Patrick nodded.

He grabbed my suitcase as Kit strode powerfully over to the lady at the front desk.

It seemed like all those years had not dulled his effect on the female species.

She – her name tag read Sally – batted her eyes at him. “How can I help you Mr Grayson?” she cooed, her eyes taking in me and Patrick and the suitcase.

“I need another key to the lift for my friend,” he said curtly, pointing at me.

Sally baulked and I was willing to bet in however many years Kit had lived here he had never asked for a second key. And if he had, it wouldn’t have been for a woman. I’d bet everything I owned. And just at that moment, that wasn’t very much.

But she was a professional and she did as he asked. She got a card out and did something with a machine before sliding it over to him with a coquettish smile. Kit only nodded perfunctorily to her and kicked his head for us to follow him.

For some reason, I looked behind me and saw Johnson at the door. He gave me an encouraging smile and a wave. Then, there was a refraction of light off the door beside him and he was gone by the time my eyes cleared.

I followed my brother and his best friend into the lift. There was a guy standing in there in the Mayhew’s uniform who nodded to Kit, but otherwise ignored us. As the doors closed, Kit held the key up to me in two fingers and I took it, careful not to touch his skin with mine.

“Press the ‘P’, then swipe the card at that panel,” he instructed in that curt tone that I guessed meant he was already regretting this.

I did as he said, and the lift must have been moving because the numbers started scrolling. It was nothing like the lift I’d lived with for three years, which rattled and clanged and jerked you around so much you got whiplash.

Patrick nudged me. “Fucking nice, having your own key,” he muttered as though it was some great conspiracy. “Me and the boys need Donald here to let us up.”

“Yeah, well. If she’s living there, she’ll want more freedom to come and go than I’m willing to let you wankers have,” Kit shot back at him.

Finally, the numbers stopped and the doors slid open.

“Have a nice day, Mr Grayson,” Donald said.

Patrick started wheeling my suitcase out and Kit went to follow him, then stopped.

“Ah. Don, this is Amber Grace. She’s going to be staying with me for the foreseeable future.”

I know we both saw the surprise on Donald’s face at the word ‘foreseeable’. It made me feel something too, I just wasn’t sure what.

“Don’t worry, Donald!” Patrick called. “She’s just my sister. Player’s still gonna play!” I heard him chuckle to himself.

Donald got control over his facial expression and nodded to me. “Pleasure to meet you, Miss...?” As usual, someone was having trouble believing Grace could be a last name.

“Grace, yes,” Kit said.

Donald nodded again. “Miss Grace.”

“Likewise,” I said, then followed Kit out of the lift.

“What room do you want her in?” Patrick yelled as I looked around in shock.

“South,” Kit replied, then they both wandered in different directions, leaving me gaping like a fish.

I’d expected to exit the lift in a hallway like was normal. And I suppose in a way this was a hallway. It just happened to be a private hallway like Mum and Dad’s front hall and opened out into a huge open plan room that ended in what looked like floor-to-ceiling, wall-to-wall windows. I hesitantly walked forward as I took in everything.

The penthouse – because what else did ‘P’ stand for? – was painted in fresh white with grey accents in various shades, smattered with metallic shines of copper and dark iron here and there. It was minimal living at best.

Kit’s couches looked even Copyright 2016 - 2024