Chaos & the Geek (Grace Grayson Security #1) - Elizabeth Stevens Page 0,41

stop what he couldn’t control.

“Are we doing this, or what?” I said as I came out, flicking the hood of my tank top back.

Amber nodded, looking like she was forcing the courage. “Sure. Five big, strong boys behind me. I can do this.”

“Yes. You can,” Nico said warmly and there was a little touch of jealousy in me, particularly at the way she smiled back at him.

To make myself feel better, I was incredibly mature and grown up and reminded myself that Nico couldn’t have her either.

The six of us squashed into the lift.

“Morning, Mr Grayson. Miss Grace,” Donald said, crushed in the corner.

“Morning, Don,” I replied, momentarily distracted as my hand brushed Amber’s. I felt a zing of electricity between us like an electric shock, but so much sweeter.

I looked at her quickly and saw she was looking at me, too. My heart pounded in my chest and I was sure the others were going to be able to tell. I cleared my throat and moved as far away from her as the cramped lift allowed.

“Rollie, hit the fucking button, will you?” I snapped.

“Call me Buzz,” he said as he hit the button for the carpark.

We all turned to look at him. “What? Why?” we all asked independently.

“Because today I’m a moving guy. Not a security guy.”

I wasn’t the only one to sigh and mutter something less than complimentary about him and his ‘humour’. But soon the lift was filled with their overlapping chatter and Hawk’s and Rollie’s laughter. I snuck a look at Amber and saw that she was a little hunched in on herself. She pushed her glasses up and took a deep breath.

I felt my hand reach out to her even though I know I shouldn’t. I shouldn’t have the night before and I definitely shouldn’t when her brother was in the lift with us.

“You okay?” I asked quietly.

“I will be.” I felt her squeeze my hand gently. “Thanks.”

We looked at each other and I wanted to be anywhere but a lift full of the boys, let alone her older brother. Looking at her, it was like my heart restarted or some sappy shit. I wanted to tell her. I wanted to be worth her. But I couldn’t. And I wasn’t.

The lift came to a stop and Amber and I separated hastily.

Rollie led the way to the truck, skipping and waving his flags around like a total twat. But it got a laugh out of Amber, which I was certain had been the aim. The Grace Grayson team might have been toughened men of action, but we were also pretty perceptive. Bets were, the whole lift had noticed her trepidation.

We bundled into the truck. Hawk, Rollie and Amber in the cab and Nico, Tank and me in the back. Technically illegal, but who was going to see us? Hawk was a total dick as usual and had a brilliant time accelerating and braking really hard so we were thrown around. It was enough to even get a rise out of the usually level-headed Tank.

He banged on the front of the compartment. “I will end you!” he shouted.

Whether Hawk had heard him or we’d exited the carpark, the ride was smoother. For the few short minutes it took to get to the front of Amber’s old building. After Hawk let us out of the back – I punched him for good measure but he just laughed – and Rollie was done with his flags, Tank and I got out the boxes. I watched as Hawk fussed over his baby sister as she hovered at the front door.

Rollie was the first one in with an, “I’ll get the elevator!”

Amber snapped herself out of whatever was in her head to follow him. “We’re not all fitting in that thing and I solidly refuse.”

The rest of us followed her, but we all paused outside the lift as she started up the stairs.

“I’m serious,” she said. “You want whiplash and a near-death experience, be my guest.”

“I’m not scared,” Rollie decided, pressing the call button.

“I personally quite like my skin where it is,” Nico said. “I’mma take the stairs with Amber.”

She grinned and led the way.

“What floor?” Rollie called.

“Four,” Amber replied.

“Race you!” Rollie yelled.

Amber laughed as the rest of us followed her up the stairs.

She paused at the lift and chuckled to herself. “He might be a while.”

She went over to a door, blew out a heavy breath, nodded, and put her key in.

She pushed open the door and looked in cautiously. Copyright 2016 - 2024