Chances Are - By Christy Reece Page 0,20

Noah hired me. Never once have I felt guilty about it.”

“But you feel guilty now?”

“Yes.” She glanced over at her non-judgmental friend. “I should have told him from the beginning. Shouldn’t I?”

“What do you think?”

She jumped back up and resumed her pacing. “Of course I should have told him. But how do you tell a man who’s intent on never telling you his past that you already know all of his secrets?”

A furrow appeared on Samara’s forehead. “You didn’t delve into his past because you were nosey. You did it because it’s your job. That’s definitely not the same thing.”

“I know, it’s just that it’s obvious he doesn’t want me to know.”

“Then yes, at some point, you should tell him so you can get it behind you.”

“But not yet?”

“If you think that would inhibit this mission, then no. If not…” Samara shrugged.

“Do you think Noah put us together to…you know, put us together?”

Samara gave a startled laugh. “I have no idea. He rarely discusses those kinds of things with me. I asked him once if he pairs his operatives with that purpose in mind.”

“What did he say?”

“Just that when he sees two people who have a chemistry together, it makes for a good team. What they choose to do with that chemistry once the op is over is up to them.”

She had a feeling she knew what Jake would want to do with their chemistry, especially since he refused to even acknowledge they had any. He would ruthlessly suppress it until it smothered.

“So, now that we’ve talked about Jake and his hard-headedness, talk to me about how you’re doing in other areas. Sleeping better?”

“Much better.” After her family’s death, she had slept in fits and spurts. Now, though not always sleeping the entire night, she was finally getting some solid shuteye.

“What did you decide to do with your parents’ house?”

That had been hanging over her head for the past six months. Her parents had moved there when she was ten, when her family had first moved to Paris. She loved the house, but it was the people who had lived there that she adored. They might be gone but the wonderful memories remained. She had been unable to make a decision on selling it. “I’m still debating.”

“It’s hard to let go,” Samara said softly.

She doubted if she could ever truly let go. A few days ago, she’d ventured into her sister’s bedroom. In seconds, she was lying on Chloe’s bed and sobbing into her pillow like a baby. The scent of her sister’s shampoo had been there but was fading. How she had loved Chloe’s infectious laugh and optimistic attitude. And Max, who had always been awkward and shy around everyone but his family, had been coming out of his shell.

“You okay?”

Angela jerked her head up and blinked back tears. Convincing Samara she was mentally sound enough to endure the rigors of a mission by breaking down was probably a very bad move. It didn’t matter that she and Noah’s wife had been the closest of friends for over three years. If she didn’t think Angela could handle the op, she’d have no problem advising Noah to pull her off the case.

“I’m fine. Really I am.”

“Tell me what you were just thinking.”

“Chloe and Max. They barely had a chance to live.”

“They adored their big sister.”

Her smile feeling somewhat fractured, she nodded. “The feeling was mutual. I went to the house the other day. Broke down in Chloe’s room.”

“Tears can wash away a ton of grief.”

“If that’s the case, I should be sparkling clean.”

“Bottom line. Can you do this job? No one would think less of you if you chose to wait.”

Doubts were part of being human and Angela wasn’t immune to them. However, when it came to her belief in her abilities, she had no doubts. She had been training for this job all her adult life.

“Without a doubt, I can do the job.”

Samara regarded her for several seconds. Angela withstood the look, knowing her friend would make the assessment regardless of their relationship. Finally, she nodded and said, “I’ll tell Noah you’re ready.”

“I thought it would be tougher to convince you.”

“I’ve watched you deal with a grief that would debilitate many people. Our talk today was more formality than an evaluation.”

Angela breathed out a relieved sigh. Samara had been her last hurdle and though she hadn’t worried she could convince her she was ready, to know that her friend had that kind of faith in her increased her confidence Copyright 2016 - 2024