Chances Are - By Christy Reece Page 0,15

have tried to talk you out of it.”

She smiled her appreciation of his honesty. “That’s what I thought. I’ve wanted to be a field operative for years. I couldn’t because my family depended upon me.” Drawing in a shaky breath because the pain was still so massive, she added, “I don’t have that anymore.”

Compassion flashed in his eyes. “You have plenty of people depending on you to stay safe.” He drew closer, the sympathetic look gone in an instant, replaced by a steely directness she wasn’t used to seeing. “Understand one thing. Our friendship cannot get in the way of this op. You do something stupid, don’t expect me to be easy on you. I’ll haul your ass off the job, if necessary.”

Her feet were moving before she realized it. Closing the distance between them, Angela could feel the heat of his body, smell the musk of his aftershave. “Friendship?” she challenged softly. “Is that what we have?”

Desire flared like a rocket in his eyes. She had seen evidence of attraction but nothing like this. Before she could glory in that look, he shut it down, his expression going impassive and cool. Though he was mere inches from her, she felt the distance as if it were a thousand miles.

“Yes, friends.” He paused and then added with humiliating emphasis, “And nothing more.”

The hurt came swift, slashing like a knife against her vulnerable heart. Angela shoved it away, refusing to get sucked into the pain. Jake might be attracted to her, but he didn’t want to have a romantic relationship with her. That was no different than what she had already known. Nothing had changed. End of story.

Jake felt like the lowest of slugs. That hadn’t been the most diplomatic way to tell her there could be nothing between them. Still, it was for the best. After the trauma Angela had been through, she didn’t need to get involved with a battle-scarred jerk who’d seen too much hell to ever believe in fairy tales and promises of forever.

Her smile obviously forced, she took several steps away from him and nodded stiffly. “Thanks for setting the record straight. I won’t embarrass myself again.”

“Angela, dammit…”

“Don’t worry about it, Jake.” Turning her back to him, she threw over her shoulder, “I’ve got two days of evals with Dylan and then a meeting with Samara on Thursday. I guess I’ll see you Friday so we can discuss the case.”

“I’ll be at the evals with Dylan.”

That stopped her in her tracks. She turned around to glare at him. Those beautiful, chocolate brown eyes that had looked so sad and defeated a few second ago were shooting brilliant sparks of temper. “Why do you have to be there?”

Fighting a grin at her quick temper, he made sure his tone told her there was no room for arguing this point. “We’re partners on this case. Wherever you go, so do I. Besides, I need to know your limits and your weaknesses.”

She turned her back to him again and snapped, “Fine. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

As she walked out of the room, her shoulders so stiff they looked as though they could crack, he couldn’t help but let his eyes sweep over her. She was just so dammed beautiful.

Jake had never considered himself to have a type before. Over the years, many women, with different looks and shapes, had attracted him. He was thirty-five years old and had been noticing and appreciating women for a long time. His wife, Teresa, had been slender, medium height, with brownish-blonde hair. He had thought she was one of the most attractive women he’d ever known. But Angela was… He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck where a knot of tension had developed. Angela was unlike any other woman. It wasn’t just her exotic, sultry beauty that attracted him, it was a thousand other things, too. She had spirit, determination and drive, along with a vitality that radiated a love of life. And her loyalty and love for her family had been remarkable. She had put their needs before her own desires. That not only took enormous discipline but a tender, giving heart.

Now that caring for them was no longer part of her life, it only made sense that she would want to fill that void. Staying occupied helped with grief, he knew that all too well. But dammit all to hell, why did putting her life at risk have to be included?

He rubbed the back of his neck again, something he Copyright 2016 - 2024