Champion of Fire & Ice - Megan Derr Page 0,8

eating little more than vegetables and the occasional poached rabbit, Cimar was eternally grateful for the veritable feasts he now got to consume nightly, to say nothing of breakfast and the actual feast that would be supper later that night.

"Do your lovers know you'll be gone for a time, questing and then attending me the rest of the challenge? I would hate for them to think you've strayed to newer pastures."

Lee smiled faintly. "Came to see me at the castle, they did, and said they'd come and cheer for you if they could find the time."

"Oh, ho, methinks they're not just after a touch of fun after all. Or as usual, you're just too pretty to be ignored."

That got him a laugh and a cautiously happy, hopeful look that he hoped did not prove in vain. Lee deserved someone—or two someones—who would appreciate him as he was. Too many marked him a knave and a slut, and discounted him out of hand. But Lee was a fine man, a fine squire, and someday would be an excellent knight. Soon, in fact. Once this challenge was completed… even if Cimar lost, it would be more than enough to prove Lee's training had gone as far as Cimar could take him.

One thing at a time. He took a deep swallow of beer and returned to his food.

Lee grinned. "It's not my prettiness the castle is talking about. Everyone has something to say about how fine a knight you look all gilded up. They're all starting to wonder who the real problem in your marriage is if that's how you look when you're not in your 'dull, stodgy, bookish robes.'"

"I see." Cimar didn't roll his eyes, but it was a near thing.

Lee, never one to miss the slightest detail, grinned slyly. "The real question is, does Lord Dweller like the way you look in your armor? How interested is he in seeing you out of it?"

"Enough. Bottle that energy you're wasting on teasing me and put it to use on getting my leathers back in shape."

"Oh, please, like they even need that much work. The only reasons you have so much sewing to do is that you wear the same two tunics all the time and those ugly robes, so the stuff that actually looks good on you has been left to languish."

"Enough," Cimar repeated. "Or I'll find plenty of work to keep you too busy to run your mouth."

Lee rolled his eyes but mercifully fell silent and focused on his meal, leaving Cimar once more to his thoughts.

Though he'd tried not to show it in front of Davrin, the quest had him concerned. He definitely thought the bandits were a likely possibility, but it seemed far more likely that was the easy quest that would go to Grayne.

"What other rumors have you heard?" he asked. "Along the lines of those bandits to the north."

Lee frowned, tapping his spoon against the rim of the large bowl they shared. "There's some trouble in town, though I don't know that's reached the castle yet. Some particularly nasty brigands have been accosting travelers and locals alike, leaving them severely injured and minus their valuables. Rumor has it a few people have been killed, but I can't find anything to confirm that. Everyone is being too cagey. Makes me think they know who's responsible, and nobody wants to be the one who gets a red necklace for opening their mouth. The usual river pirates, of course, and whispers that our latest book-fetching trip will bring more trouble than usual." He pursed his lips. "Some chatter about blackmail in the castle, did you want that?"

At that, Cimar did rolls his eyes. "If I asked you to detail to me the latest list of blackmailings about the castle, we'd be here until the next full moon. No, I think you've given me what I need." He gnawed at his bottom lip as his thoughts turned and turned.

Very nearly the only true advantage he had was that no one knew what kind of shifter he was, which meant King Rorlen and his pair of cronies could not use it against him. They couldn't factor it in at all. He'd always been deeply protective and private of his shifted form. Only Rosa, Leonine, and his mentor knew what shape he took. No one else. Cimar preferred to keep it that way, but above and beyond all else, he wanted to help Davrin and obtain justice for Ballior.

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