Champion of Fire & Ice - Megan Derr Page 0,50

of dealing with them to the nearby Steward Lander, who was probably greatly concerned she might shortly be out of job with the king dead and a queen of very different mind on the throne.

Korena headed off, still escorted by Davrin with Aliana at her side. Cimar took over the lead, with Lee taking up the rear again, until they reached Korena's private chambers, at which point he took up position on the wall opposite, facing the knights guarding the door. Korena, Davrin, and Aliana vanished inside, and Cimar sighed as the door closed. Safe, or as safe as they could get, for a little while.

"What a day," Lee said. "I didn't think it could get worse than being summarily tossed out by my lovers, but I vastly underestimated the universe. I am sorry, Cimar, it feels like in all of this your victory has been completely lost."

Cimar snorted. "My victory is the least important matter today. Ballior has his vengeance, that is all I ever cared about."

"Yeah, you didn't do this just so you could make eyes at Lord Dweller-by-the-Sea at all."

"Shut it, rapscallion," Cimar said, even as the nearby guards struggled not to crack their somber miens. "Now isn't the time for such jests."

Lee's mouth twitched briefly. "I dunno, a bit of levity seems good right now, and there's never a bad time to tease you, Sir Cimar."

"Hahaha," Cimar said, and that time the guards did briefly crack.

They stood there nearly an hour, to judge by the light and the distant tolling of the temple bell, but it could have been more or less. Cimar was long ready for sleep by the time the door opened. To his surprise, though, Davrin beckoned them to come inside rather than stepping out.

Frowning, Cimar obeyed, Lee close behind. Davrin closed the door quietly behind them and led the way to a large sitting room. Korena rose from where she'd been sitting with Aliana, a beautiful, imposing, but still approachable queen, nothing remotely like her terrifying father.

"Sir Cimar, I am sorry that in this abrupt turn of events, your noble deeds have fallen by the wayside. You are victor of the challenge, and won that victory fairly and honorably, more than can be said of your fallen opponent. Formalities must wait, I'm afraid, but you are forthwith granted the Order of the Sovereign Rose."

"Yo— Your Majesty—" Cimar didn't know what to say. That merit had not been awarded for almost fifty years. It was one of the most difficult merits to achieve, and most of them wound up being awarded posthumously. He was only the eleventh to receive it while still alive. "I am humbled. Thank you, Your Majesty."

She smiled briefly. "As you are victor, and my fiancé's champion, I also offer you the position of royal champion, should you like to take up that mantle. You need not reply now, for the duty is not a light one. We'll speak again in a few days."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Dismissing him, Korena turned her attention to Leonine. "Step forward, young sir, and kneel."

Lee's eyes widened, but he immediately obeyed.

Accepting the sword that Cimar offered her, Korena rested the flat of the blade briefly against the back of Lee's bowed head. "Do you swear to heed the vows of your knighthood and the commands of your queen and country?"

"I do so swear."

"Rise, then, Sir Leonine of Darting."

Leonine jerked his head up at that. "Of Darting."

She laughed and returned Cimar's sword. "Well, what is Grayne going to do with all that property? By rights it should go to Cimar, but I sensed he'd rather it go to you."

"Yes," Cimar said.

"Then so shall it be. Now the fun parts are concluded I must, alas, move on to business. Rise, Sir Leonine." When he'd stood, she continued, "I am afraid I must put you straight to work. Right now, with everything in upheaval, there are precious few persons I trust. I am appointing you to find my father's killer or killers and either bring me them, their heads, or a damned good explanation. Do you understand?"

"I understand, Your Majesty, and am honored to undertake such a task."

"Good. You can leave in the morning. There's little enough trail to follow anyway, so nothing to be accomplished by leaving immediately. I'm sure you'd like to be rested up too, especially after that impressive display back in the arena. You seem a mage of no small acumen."

"I have skill," Leonine said quietly. "Whether or not that's entirely a good thing, I've Copyright 2016 - 2024