Champion of Fire & Ice - Megan Derr Page 0,38

with Her Highness. Is she making more of a show now? Is that wise? I assume so, given the two of you have an acumen for politics that I will never possess."

"Well, I certainly do not possess your impressive skillset. She is making more of a show, yes. I think she is starting to hint to people the way things are going to go, or at least could go. One should always be careful about displeasing their king, but it would also be treacherous to displease their future queen, especially when it's becoming painfully clear she will assume the throne in the very near future. Allegiances are shifting; always a dangerous time in court."

Worry cut into Cimar's face. "How dangerous is it for you?"

"Because of my new arrangement?" When Cimar nodded, Davrin replied, "At present, the danger is minimal to non-existent. My greatest threat right now is the challenge, and they're taking it out on you. Speaking of, I hope you'll be all right in the duel. I have every faith in you, but I also have every faith Trekker is a conniving bastard and Grayne an inveterate cheater."

Cimar laughed. "Grayne bested me today, but I always knew he would win the endurance challenge. I can take him in a duel, human or shifted."

"I apologize for all the attention this has brought you, especially the invasions of your privacy. I know you especially like to keep your shifted form private, and the duel stands a good chance of violating that."

"I entered knowing full well what could happen, please don't apologize." Cimar leaned in, as if about to kiss him, and stilled himself just in time. "Sorry. Do cease to fret and worry and feel guilty, though, please?"

Davrin smiled and nodded slightly. "I shall do my best, I vow it. Later, though, I want that kiss."

"You shall have it, and many more besides."

"Come, let's go do something that gives you a chance to rest a bit." He led the way through the milling crowd, stopping occasionally to speak with someone, but mostly nodding to people and simply moving on.

They finally stopped at an improvised theatre to enjoy a play, and Davrin wasn't remotely surprised that Cimar fell asleep only minutes into it, even with the ruckus of the crowd. He left him to his rest throughout the play, and even as the crowd dispersed once it was over. Only then did he reluctantly shake Cimar awake.

Yawning, Cimar said, "Did I fall asleep? Some champion I am."

"Yes, horrible champion, killing a lindworm and swimming across a frozen lake. You should be ashamed."

Cimar laughed. "Come on, I'm hungry again. Thank you for the rest. I'm sure I must have amused quite a few people, snoring away through a noisy play in the middle of the frost fair."

"I'm pretty sure there were a few others in the crowd doing the same thing, and they were the ones snoring, not you."

"Well, that's something."

Davrin rose and offered a hand to Cimar, pulling him to his feet, hating he could not simply take a kiss right then and there. Eventually, when matters had quieted down, when the marriage and shifts of power were settled into place, he'd be able to. If his own wife did not complain about his lover, the rest of the world could hardly say a word. "What would you like to do?"

"I would not be opposed to more food, and maybe a walk in the quiet when we're done, to work off the food and?? Cimar winked. "Clear my head."

"I don't know why I thought you would be the less bold of the two of us."

Cimar laughed. "Neither do I. You've literally been trained not to be bold, and knights often rely on bold measures, though it's a fine line between bold and reckless."

"Like single-handedly killing a lindworm."

"Yes, like that," Cimar said with a sigh.

They stopped at a couple of food stalls, loading up on pies and other treats that could be eaten as they walked. By the time they cleared the fairgrounds, food devoured, Davrin was ready for a nap himself. Snow was still softly falling, though, and it was hard to do anything but focus wholly on the man beside him, who looked like a winter prince snuck away from his immortal realm to play amongst mortals.

"I do not know what thoughts fill your head, but I rather like them. They look like the kind of thoughts that lead to hiding in the trees for kisses."

Davrin smiled and went easily as Copyright 2016 - 2024