Champion of Fire & Ice - Megan Derr Page 0,31

"All right, my patience is at an end. How, in the few days I was gone, did you come to join the Order of the Osprey?"

"I've 'joined' quite a bit more than that," Davrin replied, setting aside his knife and fork, finishing his wine and cleaning his mouth and hands before settling back in his chair with a far more solemn mien than Cimar had expected. "I'm engaged to Her Highness." Before Cimar could find word to reply to that, too distracted by the shattering of his heart and fragile hopes, Davrin explained all that had transpired in his absence.

As he finished, he stood and removed the chain from around his neck and slid the second Osprey ring free. "She bid me give this to you, and said that you have more than earned it simply by rising to the challenge."

Cimar rose as Davrin came around the table and offered the ring. Accepting it, Cimar slid the ring into place on his own left hand. "Thank you. Congratulations, as well, on your pending marriage. You'll make an excellent prince consort." He smiled, hoping none of his sadness showed. At least he'd found out before he'd gone and made a perfect fool of himself. "I should—"

"I'm not finished," Davrin cut in, drawing himself up slightly, and that impression of being on edge returned, stronger than ever, commanding Cimar's full attention. "There was something else Her Highness discussed with me this afternoon. She wanted me to know that Lady Aliara is her lover, has been for some time, and she had no intention of severing that relationship. So naturally, she added, she would never expect me to end my love affair with you, so long as I was willing to do my duty in providing heirs."

"End your—" Cimar stopped. Opened his mouth. Closed it. "She thinks we're lovers? What did you say?"

Davrin offered a wispy smile, like amusement wanted out, but a fit of nerves would not let it. So unusual in a man who had made a life's practice of arguing with monarchs on behalf of his own king. A man who would soon be practically a king himself. "I told her we weren't lovers, because so many things made it impossible, but that I'd always wished that wasn't true."

Cimar's head spun with all the revelations striking him. Somehow, fighting the lindworm was seeming like the simplest, easiest part of his week. All the shattered pieces in his chest started to slowly, tentatively draw back together. "You did? I mean, you do? Whatever, come here." He reached out, snagged Davrin's tunic in both hands, and reeled him in close and kissed the bloody fool even as Davrin gasped his name in surprise.

It took only a moment for Davrin to catch up and meet him full measure. His arms, far stronger than Cimar would have expected, wrapped firmly around Cimar's waist and lifted him slightly, so they were more of a level in height. That made Cimar's grip awkward, so he gladly shifted to sink his hands into Davrin's hair, which was even softer than it had always looked.

His mouth was soft too, warm and still flavored of their dinner, but the kiss itself was ardent, focused, sending delicate shivers down Cimar's spine as he imagined all the other delightful things that mouth and tongue could do.

When they finally drew apart, he was panting. He stared as Davrin slowly let him slide down so his feet were on the floor again. "How long have you…"

Davrin's smile was bittersweet. "I said always, and I meant it. There just constantly seemed to be obstacles that could not be overcome, bridges that could not be crossed."

"Yes, speaking of obstacles, I am still very much married, and that will not look good for you," Cimar replied. He'd given up caring a long time ago how it made him look, but he wouldn't have his besmirched reputation harming Davrin.

"Korena said she would see that taken care of, and made it quite clear I was to take care of the rest." He curled a finger beneath Cimar's chin, tilting his head up just that bit farther, and mercy of the Goddess, Cimar would never survive if Davrin was now going to make a habit of looking at him like that.

He licked his lip, enjoying far too much the effect that had, the strangled noise Davrin made. "Then get on with it, my lord, and take care of the rest." He grinned. "Unless, of course, the diplomat in you Copyright 2016 - 2024