Chained - Zara Novak Page 0,40

fingers. I was too horny to care anymore. I was so happy to finally get release that I could scream. For a few quiet moments I lay on the mattress, a puddle of exhaustion and warmth, lying in complete and utter bliss.

Then I noticed something out of the corner of my eye, right at the edge of my periphery. Turning my head, I squinted at the far corner of the cell room and saw the blinking red light on the camera looking over the cell.

He was watching me.

I sat up straight away, a new pang of fear quickly erasing any elation my stolen orgasm had brought. Maybe there was a chance the camera hadn’t caught me. I had been under the sheet after all, I could always just try and play ignorant.

That idea didn’t take into account that literally not one thing had fallen in my favor my entire life. It was only seconds after that I heard the footsteps in the corridor outside. The key turned in the lock and the door opened, revealing the silhouette of a tall and broad man.

Vincent stepped into the room and shut the door with the flick of his hand. His red eyes burned with the promise of feral ferocity. He had a belt in his right hand, and a chain in the other.

“Oh slave,” he said, his voice laced with a note of amusement. He was naked except for a pair of black boxers. “I’ve been waiting for this moment,” he said. “You finally gave in.”

“I’m sorry master,” I said. To my surprise I actually did sound desperately sorry. Perhaps I was so afraid of the ensuing punishment I hoped sincerity might make him forgive me.

Like he ever would.

He just shook his head and laughed. The sound had no amusement in it. I looked at his hands and found myself wondering what was coming next. The belt I could figure out, but what about the chain?

“And I thought you were doing so well. But, oh well. We can go right back to the start. You have to play by the rules little slave, especially if you want to earn my trust.”

“It won’t happen again,” I pleaded, sincerely meaning it.

“Oh, I know that. But let’s not digress.” Vincent stepped into the room, the chain rattling in his hand. The leather belt caught the firelight and glistened for a moment. “You have broken the rules, and now you need to pay for it. It’s time for your punishment.”

Chapter 5


He walked forward, silent fury and dark amusement burning with every calculated step. I found myself genuinely fearful of him. With each step the reds of his eyes seemed to darken until there was only a deep and maddening darkness.

Just like the dream.

“Stand up, slave,” he ordered, his voice void of any emotion. I did as he said. He moved the belt and chain into the same hand and used the other to grab my hair, wrapping it around his hand so it was a leash.

Without a word he pulled me off the mattress and across the cold stone floor.

As you walked into the room the mattress was pushed up again the far-left corner. The room was wider than it was deep, though still deep enough that there was room for three mattresses on the length of the short wall. The two windows were on the wide wall ahead of you as you entered the room.

Vincent pulled me to the middle of the short wall on the left, just a few feet away from the mattress. He let go of my hair and looked up at some fixed point in the darkness above him. “Kneel,” he said without glancing back at me. I did so, bringing my knees to the cold floor. Without talking again he handed the belt back to me and I took it, knowing that he wanted me to hold it. He then approached the wall while holding the chain and lifted it up. I kept my eyes forward, feeling as though he would want me to remain still, but curiosity took over me and I saw him threading the chain through a large ring on the wall, one that was about seven feet off the ground.

How had I not noticed that before?

Vincent brought the chain back down to the ground and when he turned around again, I noticed he had something else: an iron collar.


Where had that even come from?

“Stand,” he said, his voice flat and firm. I did so and he Copyright 2016 - 2024