Chained - Zara Novak Page 0,37

their own reasons, whatever they may be.”

“Vigliati, does he often like to test people like this?”

Vincent nodded. “He is a very strange man, but he also holds a great amount of power. The Vigliati family once used to run things. They are not strong enough to control the entire game now, but when they decide to affiliate with one of the five families… well. Things will take a turn.”

“Why all the games? Why not just deal without the smoke and mirrors?”

“Part of the reason I am so successful in this arena is because I can see through people’s bullshit. You get used to people trying to double-cross you in this world, and it only gets worse when you bring vampires into the matter. Vigliati is making this difficult on purpose, he wants to see if I can navigate the muddy waters of our violent politics. There are none better to test me than his daughters.”

“You say he had a breeder himself? Once upon a time?”

“Yes,” Vincent said. “His wife. She was at his side for years. A very strong woman. She went onto give birth to Eric and the three daughters. Only through a breeder can a vampire pass down the full extent of their power. By turning another your power is weakened, thus the importance of breeders.”

“What happened to her?”

“Murdered by a rival family. Vigliati made sure to wipe them off the face of the earth. Since then he retreated into the shadows, leaving room for the five families to grow and try to control the game. He is an old vampire, so old he is nearly at the end of his life. He has come back now because I think he wants to make sure that war doesn’t erupt again. By merging with another house, he can honor his dead wife.”

“I think your picture of him isn’t completely accurate,” I said. Vincent turned his head.

“What do you mean?”

“Before this meeting you said he respects vampire leaders that keep slaves, I do not think that is the case. He respects vampires with strong women at their sides. If I had kept my mouth shut that meeting wouldn’t have ended well. His daughters responded to my authority.”

Vincent considered the proposal. “Perhaps you are right. Maybe I have been looking at it the wrong way all this time. Maybe this is why Vigliati perhaps has issues with me.”

“Stealing this heirloom back, will it be difficult?” I said.

“Perhaps. I will think about that another time.” For a long moment he simply stared at me, his eyes blinking softly under the flickering torchlight from overhead.

“What?” I asked.

“You have surprised me today, perhaps I did underestimate you. This is the second time you have helped me now. Why?”

I shrugged. “You wanted me for my assistance. It seemed pointless to hold my tongue and watch it all crash and burn.”

Vincent laughed. “You think it would have been that bad?”

“I know it would have. I had front row seats. Trust me. I’m sure you’re very cunning, but you were out of your depth here.”

“I think you are correct.” He glanced at me for another moment. “See how you are changing slave? Already you have become stronger and more assured. There is definitely promise within you. You have taken several steps towards earning my trust, though there is still some way to go.”

Pride burst through me at his words, followed by a wave of regret. Here I was again, marching to his drum and drooling like a schoolgirl every time he showed me a glimpse of compassion.

Was it Stockholm syndrome? Was I falling for my captor because of some stupid psychological glitch in my brain?

Time and time again I had been given the opportunity to run or let Vincent fail. Each time I had chosen to stay and help him, despite the way he treated me, despite the fact that I was a prisoner in a blank stone cell.

All because he was a master at sexual torture? Was that really the only thing keeping me in line? Or were there some deeper feelings at play that I just couldn’t understand?

“Come,” he said finally. “Let’s get back to the cell.”

When we got back to the room Vincent unlocked the door. It swung open on silent hinges and he gestured for me to step inside. As I did, I found myself surprised to see several new objects in the room. There was a mattress in the corner complete with a sheet and a cover. Next to it there was Copyright 2016 - 2024