The Chain of Lies - By Debra Burroughs Page 0,70

didn’t get any sleep last night at all in that flimsy cot and uncomfortable chair. Heck, y’all can hardly get any sleep in the hospital bed with all the noise and lights and nurses comin’ in every couple hours to check y’all’s vitals.”

“I’m going to stop by anyway. This is my fault. She wouldn’t be in the hospital if it wasn’t for me.”

“Don’t say that, Em. Y’all couldn’t have known what would happen.”

“It’s not just me. I get the feeling Camille blames me, too.”

“Why on earth would y’all say that?”

“Last night, when I offered to do anything I could to help, she told me I had done enough. I’d say that was pretty clear.”

“I’m sure she didn’t mean anythin’ by it. She was tired and upset.”

“Maybe. Somehow I need to make it up to her—and to Molly.”

“I think your puttin’ those traffickers behind bars was doin’ plenty in my book.”

“It wasn’t like I did it single-handedly.”

“From what I heard from Peter, y’all were a big part, though. Don’t worry about Camille, hon, she’ll calm down and all will be back to normal before we know it.”

“Sounds like you and Peter are getting pretty cozy,” Emily remarked.

“Cozy? No. I’m not ready to jump into another relationship just yet, but we are on friendly terms. He’s very interestin’ and very easy to talk to. We’ll see where it goes.”

“Friendly terms, huh? I saw how he looks at you. I’d say the man is smitten.”

“Ya’ think?”

“I do.”


Mid-morning, Emily boarded the hospital elevator with a vase brimming with yellow Shasta daisies in one arm and a stack of Molly’s favorite magazines under the other. Trying to balance her load, she awkwardly bent forward and pushed the button to go to level three, trying not to spill water on her jeans.

The doors glided open and Emily gingerly stepped out, catching sight of Maggie and Peter strolling down the corridor toward her. Maggie’s white V-neck sweater set off her bronze Hawaiian tan. She waved as soon as she noticed Emily and hurried toward her.

“Here, let me take those flowers,” Maggie offered, reaching for the vase.

Emily gladly relinquished them with a smile. “Thanks, Maggs. How’s our girl?” Emily shifted the stack of magazines and cradled them in front of her with both arms.

“Holding her own,” Peter replied. “We’ll walk you back to her room, then Maggie and I are shoving off.”

“Peter’s offered to drop me off at my house on his way to Camille’s,” Maggie said as the three of them started down the hallway.

“What a gentleman,” Emily replied, glancing over at Peter who wore an impish grin.

“I do my best.” Peter pushed the door to Molly’s room open for the two women.

Maggie led Emily in, carrying the vase of daisies. “Look who the cat dragged in,” Maggie said, setting the flowers down on her night table.

A smile blossomed on Molly’s face when she saw Emily step from behind Maggie. “Emily!” she squealed, extending both arms to her.

Emily set the magazines down at the foot of the bed and bent down to give Molly a hug. She kissed the side of her head and stroked Molly’s hair a couple of times before she released her embrace, wishing she could take the last few days back.

“I’m so glad you came, Emily. I heard it was you that rescued me.”

“No, sweetie, it wasn’t me.”

“Don’t be so modest,” Peter chided. “It was the SWAT team that pulled her out of the hidden crawlspace, but none of this could have happened if it hadn’t been for you.”

Heat rushed to Emily’s cheeks and she gently shook her head in denial, making her loose curls tickle the back of her neck. “You give me too much credit, Peter.”

Molly reached out and took one of Emily’s hands. “You saved my life, Em.” The girl’s vivid green eyes were moist with tears, her bottom lip quivered as she spoke. “And you saved those other girls, too.”

“Like I said, it wasn’t just me. I only played a part in it.” Emily squeezed Molly’s hand lightly before letting it go. “Your uncle Peter, now he was amazing.” Emily glanced over at Peter, who was standing next to Maggie on the other side of the bed.

“I can’t wait to see the video footage.” Maggie smiled admiringly at him. “From what you told me—”

“There’s video?” Molly asked, her eyes brightening at the prospect.

“Absolutely.” Peter seemed to bask in the glow of their admiration. “It’s going to be a compelling story once I edit it and make it ready for Copyright 2016 - 2024