The Chain of Lies - By Debra Burroughs Page 0,60

became sweaty, horrified at what that might mean.

“Colin,” Emily said as she faced one of the officers seated next to her, leaning toward him as if she was having a conversation with him, “Ratana is here but she did not, I repeat, did not bring Molly with her.” Her voice cracked as she fought against the tears that rushed to her eyes. “She brought one of the girls from the spa.”

“Damn!” she could hear Colin shout.

“She didn’t bring Molly?” Special Agent Ellis asked through the earpiece.

“Oh, it gets better. She brought a body guard. Colin, you better alert Peter and get out of there.”


“I heard you, Emily.” Peter stared at Colin. “Now what?”

“Agree to accept the girl, but I have to get out of here before they show up.” Colin walked toward the door and the other cop stepped into the closet. “Heads up in there. Not a peep. I’ll let you both know what to do next through the earpieces.”

The officer slid the closet door shut as Colin slipped out and down the hall.

Within minutes there was a knock at Peter’s door.

“They’re here,” he said quietly into the mic before he opened the door. “Hi, come on in.”

Ratana pushed passed him, pulling the dolled-up girl behind her. The Asian man remained in the hallway.

“What’s this? I told you a white American girl. You promised me.”

“I know, I know. I don’t have one for you. I know you want American, but not possible. So sorry.”

Peter crossed his arms and glared at the woman, then at the girl, showing his displeasure at the change. In truth, he was trying to cover his mounting fear and crushing disappointment at the diminishing chances to rescue his niece. This would have been his opportunity to save her, but now her rescue was in question.

“But this one will give you great pleasure. And it will only cost you five hundred dollar. See, I save you money this way.”

Peter looked at the girl whose eyes were lowered. She was dressed in a short, tight, red satin dress with black stilettos and way too much makeup. Her midnight-black hair was pulled up in a twist, held in place by two chopstick-like mahogany picks. She reminded him of a little girl trying to play dress-up.

He put two fingers gently under her chin and slowly lifted her face, revealing her big brown eyes. He was certain what he saw in them was utter fear and soul-wrenching pain. “Okay, she can stay.” If he couldn’t save Molly, at least he could save this one.

“I leave now. I be back in one hour.”

“One hour? Five hundred dollars for only one hour?” Peter feigned surprise. In reality, he was glad to have the ordeal over in an hour instead of dragging it on through the night.

“You want longer, it will cost more.”

“No, one hour is fine.”

Ratana said something to the girl in her native language and the girl nodded, then the woman was out the door.

“Did you get that?” Peter asked, knowing Tony Ellis was monitoring the video feed.

“Got it.”

Peter looked out the peephole to make sure Ratana and the man were both gone. All he saw was the back of the man’s broad head. “That woman left the hulk to stand guard outside the door.”

“We’ll put our heads together and get rid of the guy,” Colin said.

“I’ve tapped into the hotel’s video feed. I can see the woman in the elevator,” the special agent informed the group. “Andrews, make sure one of your men in the lobby watches for her when she gets off the elevator and stays with her. We have to keep eyes on that woman.”

“He’s already been given his orders, Ellis.”

Peter turned back to the girl who was seated on the edge of the bed, unbuttoning her dress. “No, no. Don’t do that,” he said, waving his hands at her.

“I don’t understand.” Her expression told of confusion mingled with fear.

“I’m not having sex with you. I’m going to help you.”

“Help me?”

“That’s right.”

“No one can help me,” she said sadly with a slight shake of her head.

“What’s your name?”

She shook her head again, looking down at her hands worrying in her lap.

“Trust me, no one will hurt you.”

She raised her head and looked into Peter’s face, as if she was considering whether to believe him or not. “Maliwan,” she said softly.

“Okay, Maliwan, just sit tight. There’ll be people coming and going, but you’re safe here with me. Understand?”

She nodded.

“And you might hear me talking to myself, but I’m actually Copyright 2016 - 2024