The Chain of Lies - By Debra Burroughs Page 0,49

from Camille to Jonathan and back.

She scooted it across the table to him.

“Okay, then. I think I have all I need to file this report in the National Crime Information Center and get Molly’s picture out to the media. That way the whole country will be on the lookout for her.” Colin stuck the photo in his file before pushing back from the table.

Emily patted Camille’s hand and smiled weakly at her.

“Why don’t you guys go home?” Colin stood and picked up his laptop. “We’ll let you know the second we find out anything.”

“We’d appreciate that, Colin.” Jonathan rose and helped Camille up. “The very second you know anything.”

“Peter, are you coming?” Camille asked her brother, as he remained seated.

“No, I have a meeting here in a little while, so I’ll catch a ride home with someone.”

“Oh, yeah, I almost forgot—the all-important sting.” Camille rolled her eyes and her sarcastic voice cut like a razor blade, as she pulled another tissue out of her purse to blot the tears from her eyes.

Is she blaming us?

“Don’t worry.” Emily put her arm sympathetically around her friend, knowing her suggestion was futile. “We’ll get Molly home.”

Camille looked Emily in the eye and paused, as if she wanted to say something but thought better of it. Jonathan took Camille’s hand and led her out of the room.

Emily stood in the conference room doorway and watched as the couple meandered down the hall. She couldn’t remember ever having seen her friends so upset or worried. She didn’t have children of her own, but she could imagine how terrifying it would be if one of them was missing. Her heart broke for them as she thought of their frightening situation.

Colin stood beside Emily as she watched them go. He laid his arm warmly around her shoulder and she leaned into him. He lightly kissed the side of her head. “It’s best if you don’t make promises you might not be able to keep.”

“Agreed, but there’s something you should know.” She pulled away from him and walked back to the table.

“What?” Colin followed her.

“I didn’t want to say anything while they were here, but I think I saw Molly’s bike.”

“Where?” Peter and Colin asked simultaneously.

“Peter, the house.” Emily and Peter’s eyes met.

“What house?” he questioned.

“You know…the house down the street from Camille and Jonathan’s. I had you write down the address.”

“That house?” Peter’s brow furrowed.

“Emily, explain to me what you’re talking about.” Colin crossed his arms and shifted his weight to face her.

Emily looked at Colin with eyebrows raised, giving him clues as to what she was talking about. “The house where Molly and I saw the Asian girls in the backseat of the car…the girl from the hotel…the vehicle I followed down to the Jade Thai Spa.”

He nodded. “When did you see it?”

“Just a little while ago, after we left Camille and Jonathan’s.”

“I don’t understand. How were you able to see the bike at their house?” Colin asked.

“When Peter and I drove past, the garage door was up. I saw a red Fat Tire bike near the back of the garage. It was leaning against the shelves and it had bright yellow fenders.”

“I don’t want to be the party pooper here, but it could belong to someone who lives in the house, couldn’t it?” Peter asked.

Colin’s gaze locked on Emily’s and she knew they were thinking the same thing—if she was right about what was going on, it was highly unlikely anyone in that house ever went on a bike ride for pleasure.

“It’s possible,” Colin replied. “Assuming—”

“Assuming Emily’s wrong about her suspicions.” Peter finished the detective’s sentence. He glanced at Emily, whose eyes were narrowing at him. “But that’s not likely, is it?”

“It seems to me the more we discover, the more it looks like I’m right.”

“It’s beginning to look that way,” Colin agreed.

Emily turned her wrist and looked at her watch. “The others should be here pretty soon for our next meeting, so I’m going to make a quick coffee run. Anybody want anything?”


When Emily returned, Colin’s superior was standing near the conference table talking with him and Peter. They all turned in her direction as she walked in, carrying a cardboard tray full of coffees.

“Emily,” Colin said as he put his hand out to her to draw her in, “you remember the Chief of Police, don’t you?”

The Chief was a tall man with dark skin, dressed in a navy blue suit, with curly gray hair clipped short and neat.

“Yes, we’ve met a couple of Copyright 2016 - 2024