The Chain of Lies - By Debra Burroughs Page 0,42

try to keep my exuberance in check.”

“Ernie’s detaining the old guy at the station ’til I get there, so I’m sorry, Babe, but I need to run.”

“Let me get my shoes. I’m coming with you.”


On the drive to the police station, Emily received a call from Isabel saying she had just been given some info on Jethro. She had spoken with an FBI agent on the human trafficking task force, part of the team that was watching the Jade Thai Spa, and he mentioned to her that he’d heard Jethro had been rushed to the hospital that afternoon. Knowing they had been friends, the agent thought Isabel would want to know.

“What’s wrong with him?” Emily asked, looking over at Colin as he drove.

He glanced back at her.

“I don’t know. The details are sketchy,” Isabel replied. “I’m going to drop over there and see what I can find out.”

Emily explained to Isabel where she and Colin were headed and why.

“If that is the gun, Em, this could be a huge break in the case.”

“I know,” Emily responded, “but Colin keeps telling me not to get excited until we know for sure.” She glanced over at him again and caught his gaze.

He grinned back at her. “You know I’m right.”

“I’ll let you know what we find out.”

“Same here,” Isabel promised. “I’m off to the hospital.”


Colin and Emily breezed through the doors of the Paradise Valley police station. Being Saturday night, there was a uniformed officer behind the reception area, an unfamiliar one, who was not acquainted with Colin yet. He asked for his identification and Colin showed him his badge.

“Oh, sorry, Detective. Go on back.”

Colin slid his key card through the slot and the door unlatched. He pushed it open and held it for Emily to pass through first. They turned the corner and went to Colin’s office where they found Ernie, sitting in Colin’s chair, with his feet propped up on his desk.

Mr. Osterman was seated in a chair across from Ernie, chatting about his latest metal finds.

“Hello, Mr. Osterman,” Emily greeted as they entered the office.

The elderly man looked up over his wire-rimmed glasses and a smile spread across his wrinkly face. “Hello, there, Ms. Parker. It’s good to see you again.” He stuck out his hand and she shook it.

“You remember Detective Andrews, don’t you?” Emily asked.

The old gentleman pushed his glasses up on his nose and studied Colin’s face. “Yes, I think I do. Nice to see you again, too, young man.” He extended his hand to Colin, as well.

Colin shook his hand firmly then moved to the side of his desk. “Ernie?” Colin said as he turned toward the officer, raising an eyebrow.

“Oh, sorry.” Ernie pulled his boots down off the desk and dragged himself out of Colin’s chair. The burly officer stepped to the wall and crossed his arms as he leaned against it.

Emily took a seat in the other chair opposite the desk. She leaned forward, toward Mr. Osterman, and addressed him. “I hear you found a gun down by the river.” She knew it was really Colin’s job, but she could tell Mr. Osterman warmed up to her more than to Colin, so she took advantage of it. She hoped Colin didn’t mind.

“That’s a fact. Found it just this afternoon with my new-fangled whachamacallit.”

“You mean the metal detector?” she clarified.

“Yes,” he replied. “That’s what you call it. It was mostly hidden in the mud at the edge of the river. If I’d been scouring the riverbank earlier this summer, the water would have been too high—I would never have seen it.”

Luck was obviously on her side. She hoped her luck would hold out long enough for the county lab to determine this was the gun that was used to kill Evan. If so, she could finally move forward to solve the mystery surrounding his death.

“Where is the gun?” Colin asked Mr. Osternman.

“Bottom right drawer,” Ernie replied, “already in an evidence bag and tagged. It’s a Ruger P345.”

Colin leaned over and pulled out the drawer to see the muddy gun for himself. “So it is. I’ll get it over to the lab first thing in the morning.” He closed the drawer and locked it. “I’d like to see where you found it, Mr. Osterman.”

“Can’t it wait ’til morning? I need to get home and tend to my dog. Snookie needs to be fed and walked.”

“It’s not far from your house, is it?” Emily asked.

“No, I guess not.”

“Then it’ll only take a few minutes, sir. I Copyright 2016 - 2024