The Chain of Lies - By Debra Burroughs Page 0,27

I know and asked about that. Give me a sec and I’ll check my email, see if I got a response.”

Emily could imagine that Isabel was running her finger down the screen.

“No, I don’t see anything yet. Let me write myself a note to check on it again tomorrow.”

Emily heard the sound of a drawer opening and what she thought sounded like Isabel rummaging through it.

“I can’t find a pad of sticky notes to save my life,” Isabel declared. “Oh, there it is. So, tell me, why is this massage parlor so important to you?”

“I think they’re running under-aged girls as prostitutes out of that place.”

“That’s probably why they’re being watched,” Isabel said.

“But why the Feds? I could understand the local cops, but the Feds?”

“I’m not free to say, Em.”

“They suspect a sex slave ring, don’t they?”

“What makes you say that?”

“Something I saw,” Emily replied. “Why don’t the Feds go in there and rescue those girls?”

“I’m really not at liberty to talk about it,” Isabel hedged. “But, hypothetically, let’s say that was what’s going on there, my guess is the FBI is gathering the evidence they need to make an arrest. They can’t simply go busting in there on a hunch.”

“I get it.” Emily hoped for those girls’ sake the Feds moved quickly. If not, maybe she could help move things along.

“Oh, by the way, Em,” Isabel said, breaking into Emily’s thoughts, “Jethro’s back in town. He called me today just to check in, he said.”

“What do you say we try what I suggested before?” Emily looked in her rearview mirrors. Just the mention of Jethro’s name prompted her to do it. “You invite him to lunch and I’ll stick a tracking device on his car.”

“I’m already a step ahead of you. I invited him to lunch tomorrow at Goodwood at twelve thirty. All you have to do is text me when you’ve done it, so I know when to let him leave.”

“You got it.” Emily figured it should be easy enough to find his black BMW in the parking lot, especially with Virginia plates.

“I better get going. Traffic’s going to be murder.”

“I’ll see you at Camille’s on Saturday for the game?”

“We’ll be there. I hear you’re bringing a special guest.”

“Boy, news travels fast.” Emily laughed.

“Only when it’s told to Camille.” Isabel laughed, too.

Emily said her good-byes and clicked off her call with Isabel. She peered into her rearview mirrors again, almost expecting to see the black sedan following her. She blinked—could it be? Three cars behind her was a black car.

She quickly pulled to the curb and stopped, watching the next few cars go by. As the black BMW whizzed past, she caught a quick glimpse. She could have sworn it was Delia McCall with her long brunette hair brushing her shoulders and her large dark sunglasses. Was Delia following me? Or were we only going in similar directions?

Seeing her again gave Emily an idea. She decided she’d call Delia and invite her to lunch—at Goodwood—and see what sparks might fly. She punched in Delia’s phone number and waited while it rang.

“Hello,” came Delia’s low sultry voice. “Emily?”

Emily knew she must have seen her name come up on her caller ID. “Yes, Delia. It’s Emily.”

“How are you, dear? It’s been ages since we’ve talked.”

“I know it has, and I’m sorry for that. I saw someone this afternoon that reminded me of you, and it gave me the idea that I should call and invite you to lunch. Are you busy tomorrow?”

“I’ll have to check my calendar when I get back to the office, but I think I’m free. Where would you like to meet?”

“So you’re driving?”

“Yes, I had a business meeting this morning, but I’m headed back to my office. I’ll check my schedule when I get there. What time were you thinking?”

“How about one o’clock at Goodwood?”

“That sounds lovely, Emily. I’d love to chat and catch up.”

She sounds pleasant enough. Let’s tighten the screws, put a little pressure on her, and see how she reacts when she sees Jethro, or should I say dear old Dad.

“Sorry, Delia, I have another call coming in that I have to take. It looks like it’s Colin.”

“I’ll let you run, then. Give my love to him, won’t you?”

“Sure thing.” Emily hung up from one call and picked up the other. “Hey, Colin.”

“Hello, gorgeous.”

His voice was deep and sensual, and she enjoyed it every time she heard it. “Have you left San Francisco yet?”

“Tomorrow, first light. Then I’m on the road home.”

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