The Chain of Lies - By Debra Burroughs Page 0,23

night microwaving a frozen dinner by myself.”

“That’s good. Just you?”

Why did he have to ask that? Now she’d have to tell him about Peter. “No, I wasn’t the only one. Alex didn’t know Isabel had invited me, so he invited Peter who was going to be stuck at home alone too.”

“So it was Isabel and Alex, you and Peter—how cozy.”

She was sure she detected a hint of jealousy in his voice again. Who could blame him? Peter was a great guy, handsome, too. But Colin had to trust her or what hope was there for the two of them? Their relationship wasn’t that flimsy, was it? “Don’t be jealous, Colin. I love you and no one else.”

“I know that deep inside, but it’s nice to hear it from your lips.”

“Speaking of lips, I’m missing yours.” She cringed, wondering if that sounded too cheesy, but it was the truth.

“Well, you won’t be missing them for long.”

“What?” she shrieked with excitement. “What are you saying?”

“Looks like I’ll be back in Paradise Valley, back to my old job before long.”

“Oh, Colin, that’s the best news I’ve heard in a long time! I can’t wait.” She wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. Her hand flew to her throat as her heart fluttered in her chest, tears of joy brimming in her eyes.

“Neither can I, Babe.”


A few days later, Maggie and Molly returned from Hawaii. Camille, Jonathan, and Peter drove to the airport to pick them up.

The three sat in the waiting area, expecting the arriving passengers to come through the automatic glass doors before long. Watching through the glass, Camille noticed Peter catch sight of his niece approaching the threshold, then she saw him notice Maggie. He jumped to his feet at the sight of the stunning blonde, clad in white shorts that exposed long, tanned legs.

Camille and Jonathan hopped up and followed.

The massive automatic doors glided open and Molly saw her Uncle Peter, grinning at her with arms open wide. With a big smile, she rushed to him and gave him a warm hug. Peter returned the embrace, but his gaze turned toward Maggie.

“Uncle Peter, I didn’t know you’d be here,” Molly said excitedly, after releasing her hold on him.

“Your mom wanted it to be a surprise,” he replied.

“Surprise!” Camille shouted, glancing from Molly to Maggie.

Maggie hugged Camille.

“Who is this?” Peter asked, displaying his sparkling white smile.

“Uncle Peter, this is Maggie Sullivan.”

He stuck out his hand and she offered hers.

“I’m Peter MacKenzie, Camille’s brother. It’s very nice to meet you, Maggie.” He held her hand until he was finished speaking, looking directly into her dazzling blue eyes.

The gesture may have escaped Jonathan’s notice, but it did not escape Camille’s or Molly’s. They glanced at each other and grinned.

“Let’s get to the baggage carousel before the crowd,” Jonathan suggested.

If Maggie noticed Peter’s delight at meeting her, she didn’t let on. She had gone to Hawaii to get some much-needed rest and to get away from the horrendous events that put an end to her most recent disastrous relationship. The last thing she wanted right now was to take up with another man.

“Tell me all about your trip,” Peter said to his niece as she linked her hand around his arm and walked with him to baggage claim.

“Maggie and I had an awesome time, Uncle Peter. Didn’t we, Maggie?”

Maggie walked with Camille and Jonathan, just a few steps behind Peter and Molly.

Peter turned and glanced over his niece’s head, in Maggie’s direction, as they walked toward the baggage carousel. “What did you girls do?”

“Oh, we laid out on the beach at Waikiki,” Molly explained. “We hiked up on Diamond Head, we took a helicopter tour of the island, we went to Pearl Harbor, we ate tons of pineapple—oh, lots of things.”

“Sounds like a blast,” he commented.

“It totally rocked!” Molly exclaimed, looking up at her uncle with a huge grin.

He smiled back at her.

“Did it rock, Maggie?” Peter asked, turning his head again toward her.

“Totally.” Maggie broke out in a smile.


Saturday rolled around and it was time for Emily to fulfill her promise to Camille. She and Molly filled in as servers at the Zigon Corporation’s Gala at the Hilton Hotel. After hours on her feet, Emily was ready for the evening to be over.

Once most of the guests had left, she and Molly headed to the ladies room to freshen up. As they entered the restroom, they heard the sound of someone weeping in one of the three stalls. They glanced Copyright 2016 - 2024