The Chain of Lies - By Debra Burroughs Page 0,102

her lips. “Oh, girls, please don’t tell him I said that.”

“Hello, Maggie.” Fiona approached their table.

“Hi, Fiona,” Maggie responded warmly. “I wasn’t sure you were goin’ to make it. You remember my friends, Emily and Isabel?”

“Yes. Hello, Emily, Isabel. So sorry I’m late. I had a flat tire on the way, but all’s well now.”

“Flat tire? Oh, how miserable. Well, I’m glad you finally made it.” Maggie reached out and gave Fiona’s hand a light squeeze. “I’m sure there’s still some food left. Camille made enough to feed an army.”

“I’m not really hungry.” Fiona looked over at Lucas as the small crowd around him began to dissipate. “Is that him?”

“Yes, that’s my Lucas. Let me introduce you,” Maggie offered.

“I don’t want to be a bother,” Fiona said.

“Look, here he comes. His ears must have been burnin’ with us talkin’ about him.” Maggie laughed.

“Hello, ladies,” Lucas greeted as he approached them.

“Lucas, I’d like to introduce you to one of my friends, Fiona Merlino,” Maggie said.

Lucas stuck out his hand and smiled cordially as he shook hers. “It’s nice to meet you, Miss Merlino. Have you lived in Paradise Valley long?”

“No, only a month or so. I’m still looking for a job, actually.”

“What kind of work do you do?” he asked.

“I have an extensive background as an administrative assistant,” Fiona replied.

“Really,” he responded, looking into her deep brown eyes. That was one thing Maggie had noticed about Lucas, he always looked a person in the eye when he spoke to them. She liked that. Her daddy used to tell her that was the sign of a person who could be trusted. “Well, if you’re still looking for a job when I set up my business here,” Lucas went on, “I’ll have to give you a call for an interview.”

“You’re moving here?” Isabel asked, sounding surprised by the news.

“Yes, didn’t Maggie tell you? I’ve decided to set up my office here as soon as possible to start selling the condo units. I’m going to be starting construction soon, once the dirt gets leveled, and I’d like to get the capital coming in to keep the construction moving forward.”

Isabel and Emily exchanged questioning glances.

“I’m sorry, I completely forgot to mention it.” Maggie shrugged her shoulders apologetically.

“You’d like to set up an interview?” Fiona smiled sweetly at Lucas. “Sure, that would be terrific. Maggie has my number.”

“Now,” Lucas held his hand out to Maggie, “I would like to ask the most beautiful woman at this party to dance. I have ignored her far too long.”

Maggie’s face lit up as she took his hand. He helped her to her feet and led her to the dance area.

Emily, Isabel, and Fiona watched as Lucas and Maggie joined the other handful of couples swaying to the beat of a slow song the DJ had just begun to play.

“Boy, Fiona, that was a lucky connection,” Isabel said.

Emily nodded her agreement.

“I couldn’t agree more,” Fiona said. “That Maggie Sullivan is a lucky woman.” She turned sharply and went inside the house, leaving Isabel and Emily wearing puzzled expressions on their faces.

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peek of Three Days in Seattle.


Whitney began to stir from a deep sleep, waking to find herself in pitch-black darkness, her hands and feet bound. She tried to move, but she couldn’t. Yanking against the ropes proved useless, as the bonds were fastened to something solid.

Her head began to pound and her breath was coming in short gasps, but she couldn’t get much air. Something was over her mouth—duct tape, maybe? She didn’t know or care, she just needed air.

She struggled to scream, but the only sound she could make was a high-pitched moan.

Where am I? What’s happening to me? Murky thoughts slogged through her disoriented mind. Maybe I’m dreaming, she thought. Wake up, wake up, wake up! But it was not a dream.

The sound of something scraping the floor made her freeze. She tried to listen, hear if someone or something was coming, but her heart thudding in her ears made it hard to concentrate.

A door creaked open, and she blinked as the harsh light hit her eyes. Was someone coming to rescue her? Or was it her captor? She decided not to risk it and shut her eyes, going limp, hoping her pounding heart would not give her away.


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