The Chain of Lies - By Debra Burroughs Page 0,100

news, Maggs?” Emily asked.

“I met a wonderful man online through one of those datin’ services that match you up, and we’ve been talkin’ on the phone and emailin’ for a couple of months now. We’ve even had a few video chats on the computer with that Face Time thang.”

“How come you never said anything before?” Isabel asked pointedly.

“I guess I wanted to see if it was goin’ anywhere before I did. I didn’t want to jinx it, y’know? I haven’t had the best luck with men.”

Maggie had had her share of relationships with men, but none of them seemed to stick. She was a force to be reckoned with, and as a single mother she held the bar high.

“Ooh, give us some details, Maggie,” Camille encouraged.

“His name is Lucas Wakefield, and he’s an investor and land developer. He lives in Colorado and he’s been lookin’ into doin’ a project in this area.”

“What kind of project?” Isabel questioned.

“Somethin’ up in the mountains, like a resort,” Maggie replied.

“That sounds exciting. Does that mean he’s coming here?” Emily asked.

“As a matter of fact, he is, in the next week or so.”

“Let us know and we’ll throw a big party to welcome him,” Camille offered.

“Oh, Cam, that would be fabulous!” Maggie beamed.

“This is all very exciting, ladies, but the food is getting cold,” Isabel noted. “Why don’t we serve ourselves and we can sit down and talk more while we eat?”

They happily agreed to Isabel’s suggestion and spent the next hour eating, talking, and laughing. Wine flowed, dessert was relished, and conversation of Lucas Wakefield was thoroughly exhausted.

“You’ve been very quiet about your work, Em,” Camille noted, licking the last bit of Gelato from her spoon and wagging it at Emily. “Working on any exciting cases?”

“Ever since I solved the Delia McCall murder case a few months ago, it’s been pretty uneventful.”

Emily had taken over the McCall case after Evan was killed, and it quickly went from tracking Ms. McCall’s philandering husband to solving his murder. Emily had exposed the murderer, almost losing her own life in the process.

“That was an excitin’ case.” Maggie poured herself more wine.

“Since then, it’s just been a handful of suspicious wives hiring me to follow their wayward husbands. Seems like not much happens in this sleepy little town—except maybe adultery.” Emily gave the girls a playful grin.

“Oh, my,” Camille gasped as a little giggle escaped her. She stood and began to clear the plates from the table.

“How can y’all say that?” Maggie asked. “We had two murders in the same year.”

“You’re right,” Camille agreed. “And if Jonathan cheated on me, there’d be another murder in this town, for sure,” she quipped, winking at Emily.

“Don’t get me wrong,” Emily explained, pouring herself another half glass of wine. “I’m not complaining. Believe me I’m not out looking and hoping for another murder to solve. That would be pretty ghoulish, don’t you think?” she asked with a little chuckle. “I’m just ready for a case with a little more meat that I can sink my teeth into.”

“Well, I, for one, am glad Paradise Valley has remained so crime-free,” Isabel weighed in. “I get enough of investigating criminals for the FBI in other cities.”

“Okay, okay, enough talk about me and my business,” Emily said, changing the subject as she turned to Maggie. “How’s your new friend doing? Sorry, I forgot her name.”

“Fiona,” Isabel offered.

“Yes, Fiona,” Emily repeated. “How’s she doing?” Emily picked up her glass to finish the last swallow of wine.

Camille stuck the dishes in the sink and hurried back to the table, dropping down in her seat as if she didn’t want to miss a word.

Maggie explained that her new friend was still looking for a job. “Fiona didn’t think that she’d have any trouble finding one with all her experience as an administrative assistant, but no luck so far.”

“Well, hon, if we hear of anything, we’ll let you know and you can pass the word on to Fiona,” Camille promised, glancing around the table to the others, who nodded their agreement.

“I’d surely appreciate that. I know Fiona would, too,” Maggie said. “She’s gettin’ a little discouraged, I think.”

“When we have the party for Lucas, why don’t you invite her, too?” Camille suggested. “She’ll have a chance to meet some new people, maybe make some connections. Perhaps that’ll lift her spirits.”

“I think she’d like that,” Maggie replied. “Y’all are just the best.”

“Enough talk, I need more wine.” Isabel scooted her chair out and went to the counter. “Anybody else?” she Copyright 2016 - 2024