The Chain of Lies - By Debra Burroughs Page 0,10

little words.”

“Yes, he did.” Emily beamed as she picked up the utensils to toss the salad.

“I assumed he would take the leap before leaving for Cali. He was acting like a smitten teenager last night at the party. I’m happy for you, girl.”

“Isabel, there’s something I need to talk to you about.” Emily’s cheerful voice grew serious. “Do you think you could stay awhile after Camille leaves tonight?”

“She’s not here now. What’s on your mind?”

“Not now, she’ll be here any minute.”

“Emily! Isabel! Can someone help me?” a high-pitched voice rang out from the direction of the front door.

“See.” Emily’s head cocked slightly as she flashed Isabel her I-told-you-so look, and then they both dashed to Camille’s aid.

Camille had a pan of twice-baked potatoes in one hand and a large clear-plastic covered cake plate with a tall lemon crème cake in the other. “Can you guys help me out? I can’t hold onto both of these much longer. If Isabel hadn’t left the door ajar, I wouldn’t have been able to get it opened.”

“I didn’t leave the door open,” Isabel replied.

Emily took the cake, casting a puzzled glance at Isabel.

If Isabel didn’t do it, who did? And where is that person now? Did they overhear her conversation with Colin?

“Was the door open when you arrived, Isabel?”

“No, but it was unlocked.” Isabel leaned over to Emily and spoke in a low voice so as not to rattle Camille. “You want me to take a quick look around?”

“Please.” An uncomfortable chill rippled over Emily as she and Camille meandered back to the cozy kitchen. After setting the cake down, she hurried back and locked the door, trying to convince herself it was probably nothing.

“My goodness, Camille, how many people did you think were coming tonight?” Isabel chuckled as she noticed the pan loaded with potatoes on the breakfast bar.

“Sorry, I got carried away.”

“All’s clear,” Isabel whispered in Emily’s ear.

Emily nodded.

“Now that we’re all here, let’s eat. I’m hungry.” Isabel grabbed one of the plates from the table and the other girls followed her lead.

Each one filled their plate and took a seat at the kitchen table.

“Hey, did I tell you my brother is coming to visit,” Camille mentioned, spreading her napkin on her lap.

“No, you never said,” Isabel replied, enjoying her barbecued chicken leg.

“Which brother?” Emily asked. She knew Camille had several spread around the country.

“Peter, the youngest one. He’s thirty-five. He was a TV news reporter in Buffalo, but he’s been hired by one of the stations in Seattle. Peter’s taking a month off between jobs, so he’s stopping by to see me for a while. He grew up here, you know.”

“Just him?” Isabel asked. “No wife or kids?”

“No, he’s single.” Camille took a forkful of potatoes and wagged it at Isabel as she spoke. “Hasn’t found the right woman, he says.”

“When will he be here?” Emily asked, cutting into her chicken.

Camille swallowed her mouthful of potatoes. “Tomorrow.” She took a sip of her sweet tea. “I’d like to do a brunch at my house on Saturday to introduce you all to him. Can you come?” She looked from Emily to Isabel.

They both nodded at her, their mouths too full to speak.

“It’s too bad Maggie and Molly won’t be here. The last time Peter saw Molly she was in grade school.” Camille took another long drink of her sweet tea. Her phone began to buzz in her pocket. She pulled it out and read a text. “Molly says they just landed in Hawaii.”

“I hope they have a great time. I bet Maggie will be sorry she missed your brother though,” Isabel added.

“I’m not sure how long he’s staying. Maybe I can convince him to wait until they get back,” Camille supposed. “I know Molly will be disappointed if she doesn’t get to see her uncle.”

“You’ll have to get him to stay at least that long,” Emily said. “Maggie will be heartbroken she didn’t get to meet him.”

“Don’t you think it’s a little too soon to be looking for another man for Maggie?” Isabel asked.

“I didn’t mean it that way, Is.” Emily frowned. “I just meant she’ll feel like she missed out on something we all shared. You know how she is.”

“That cake looks heavenly, Camille.” Isabel glanced at the lemon cake on the counter, an obvious attempt to change the subject. “I’ll have to make sure and leave room for it.”

The subject of Maggie’s love life did not come up again the rest of the evening. After her last disastrous relationship, it Copyright 2016 - 2024