Caveman Alien's Riddle - Calista Skye Page 0,66

to tie me up in a bundle to get me on it.

In the dark, I have to slow down. There’s no moon in the sky, which would have made it easier to keep my speed up and to check that I’m going in the right direction.

And of course, after a while I get to a huge, sheer cliff blocking my way. It’s dark and rounded, and I sigh at the thought of having to walk all the way around.

Then the smell hits me, and I realize it’s another bobont lying down.

From up above, I can hear the sounds of a big mouth calmly chewing on a tree, but I can only see a vague shadow of the immense neck, curled back like that of a swan, relaxed and content.

I can’t help but notice that the bobont is pointing due south. Exactly the way I’m going, too.

I walk behind it. Yep, there’s the trail of destruction it has made as it walked through the jungle, flattening every tree. When they walk at normal speed, these things destroy everything in their path with their sheer size.

The tail is as thick as a lighthouse.

An absolutely crazy idea is taking shape in my mind.

It’s a life or death thing. In every sense. But if I’m left behind here on Xren, the short remainder of my life will not be worth living. And the extreme urgency washes away all other concerns.

In the darkness I gather the materials I need, then sit down by a tree trunk and get to work.

“Another one of those huge things,” a voice says right into my ears.

I’m so startled I drop the thing I’m making. “Caronerax! Where’ve you been?”

He grins, white teeth glinting in the darkness. “Here and there. Do you think this one will be as easy to scare as the other?”

“The bobont? No, don’t scare him. He’s minding his own business.”

“Very well.”

“Shall we continue?” I pick up the spear and the pouch and get to my feet. I’m still in a bit of a huff because he’s been so late in joining me again, but I’m mostly relieved.

He comes in close and sniffs my hair. “We don’t need to. Our situation has improved greatly. Want to see?”

“Why? What happened?”

“The negotiations were tough,” he says as he grabs my arm and pulls me along, “and they took a while. But I think the result is worth it.”

He leads me through the woods for a half hour. Having no idea at all what he’s talking about, I don’t dare feel relieved yet. But I’m cautiously optimistic. If he says our situation has improved, then there’s a good chance it really has.

It’s dark, and we come upon it suddenly, first only as an eerie green glow among the trees.

And there it is, big and sleek and incredibly scary.

I stop short, ice filling my veins. “What the fuck?”

“Magnificent, yes?” Caronerax beams. “Our transportation. It will take us to Earth. You and me. And all the other dragons, except Kyandros and Aragadon. And Yranox, but he can take care of himself.”

Five small aliens are gathered in a group on the ground next to the huge flying saucer. I have never seen one before, but I immediately realize what they are.

“Those,” I hiss as my knees go weak from terror, “are the Plood.”

“Yes,” Caronerax confirms with satisfaction. “The Plood. They’ve spied on me since shortly after I arrived here. Sent by my father, the king. Dragons trust nobody, as I told you.”

I want to cry from fear and disappointment. “The Plood are the aliens that abducted us from Earth and put us here in the first place.”

“Not these ones,” Caronerax says, frowning. “But they are hive creatures, so I suppose it’s the same thing. Does it matter?”

“Yes, it fucking matters!” I finally find some anger. “Have you lost your mind?! They’re filthy kidnappers and traffickers! They killed one girl and are responsible for many more being killed by dinosaurs when we were first dumped here. If you think I’m going anywhere near them, you must be crazy!”

“But,” the dragon tries, genuinely confused, “they have agreed to take us to Earth! You and me!”

This is insane. I can’t process it. “And my friends? The girls who are now waiting for me in Bune?”

“They will stay here, of course. Don’t worry, they will be dead within a couple of months at most. Their escape ship has no chance of working, the Plood tell me. You will never have to deal with them again.”

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