Caveman Alien's Riddle - Calista Skye Page 0,50

builds in me and I know it’s coming, whether I want to or not. He’s the most beautiful being on the planet. And I am definitely not. Still, he makes me feel like I am. He makes me feel special.

“You are incredible,” he groans, making me shake with the bass tones.

This alien.

This mythical being.

My eyes fly open and my soul is immediately penetrated by his strange eyes.

This dragon.

The fire in his eyes ignites my climax like a match lighting a rocket. The orgasm washes over me, hot and liquid, making me tremble and whimper as I grab onto him, clutching him close. “Fuck me,” I plead.

He speeds up, fucking me hard and fast, forcing the most scandalous noises from me.

When he roars his male, draconian triumph, my orgasm reaches new heights and his cock twitches hard inside me, as if it’s still growing.

We come together for a good while. Because of course a dragon doesnt have a short human climax. No, he keeps coming inside me until I have to beg him to let me come down from the planet-spinning orbit he launched me into.

“You don’t seem so weak to me,” I purr, blissfully exhausted and limp in his arms after the orgasm of a lifetime. I can’t be bothered to open my eyes. “Are you sure you’re not healed?”

I sense him prodding his chest. “I’m sure.”

“If you did this with me at your full strength, you might kill me.”

“I am unreasonably passionate with you,” he ponders. “So that is clearly a possibility.”

I stretch luxuriously. Outside this bubble of niceness, there’s endless emergencies and dangers. I want to prolong this. “It’s really a nice love nest that monster girl made. I feel like I never want to leave it.”

“It’s pleasant,” Caronerax agrees. “She can’t have been all bad.”

Hiding a yawn with my hand, I turn around and nudge my forehead at his upper chest. “I don’t think she was bad at all. Lovesick and jealous, sure. But that would be pretty normal. If we find another monster like that, we’ll let her know. Maybe it will be a male.”

“I will not go out of my way to look for a partner for the swamp monster. But if one falls into my lap, then very well.”

I draw in his manly, alien smell. A lifetime ago, I would probably have expected a dragon to smell of sulfur or burned skin, but this one only smells fresh. “I will make some more paste for you and your wound. And I have a couple of ideas for how we can get across the swamp faster.”

He kisses my head. “That would be most welcome. Will you find sufficient things to eat on this island? Did I see you munch on the same type of berries?”

“This should be fine,” I murmur, getting sleepy in the sunlight. “The water in the waterfall should be more than clean enough to drink. We can stay here until tomorrow, right?”

“Right.” Caronerax stirs and gets to his feet. “I’m getting too used to lying down and sitting down. It’s as if the ground pulls at me.”

“It does,” I explain primly. “It’s called ‘gravity’.”

“Never bothered me before,” he mutters and cleans himself under the little waterfall.

“Me neither,” I agree and sit up, hugging my knees.

He gazes up at the salen tree. “Do you want more of those fruits?”

“Yes, please. Maybe we shouldn’t take all of them — Marshie might need them for later. They may be her special treat. If so, she’ll need a lot of them after you’re gone.”

Caronerax goes over to the tree and picks a couple of fruits. “I understood very little of that sentence. Marshie?”

I admire his naked body, flexing in the most alluring way as he reaches up to pick fruit. “Yeah, so there’s a monster on my home planet. In a lake called Loch Ness. She’s called Nessie. This girl lives in a marsh, so Marshie seems appropriate. And I know that sometimes it can be nice for a girl to have some nice food to eat when she’s gotten her heart broken. Most of us use ice cream, but I can’t see any triple chocolate gelato bushes around here. So.”

“That makes everything much clearer,” the dragon says. “Loch Ness and triple gelato. Yes, I understand perfectly now. Crystal clear. No need to say more about it.”

“You have the driest delivery of anyone I’ve ever met,” I inform him. “Which is interesting, considering how wet you make me.”

“We are full of contrasts,” Caronerax says and dumps Copyright 2016 - 2024