Caveman Alien's Riddle - Calista Skye Page 0,43

closer?” I plead. “Just in case.”

He sighs and steps over to the pool, running his gaze over me and stopping at the most girly places. “I wonder if it isn’t something else that is a trap here.”

“As someone said, I imagine we’ll see.” I inch up to the edge of the pool. “So if anything at all happens, you’ll save me. Agreed?”

“I imagine we’ll see.”

I jump in with both feet, still holding on to the rocks, ready to jump right back out at the slightest sign of trouble. Say, a leaf dropping from a twig fifty yards away. Or the sun breaking out from the cloud cover.

Nothing happens, so I decide to use the time well. I quickly rinse off the worst of the mud, knowing I’ll be picking grains of sand out of certain parts of me for days.

Caronerax is an interested spectator, and the huge bulge in his pants gives me a certain satisfaction.

Nothing continues to happen, so I rinse out my hair and then dare to swim a few strokes. It’s the first time I’ve done that since well before we were abducted. It was at the lake outside town, on that brown beach that’s not all that nice, but good enough for when it’s the first day after finals, you’re with a bunch of friends, and you’ve got a picnic and a swimsuit.

The thought of Earth sends a pang of stress and worry through my mind. The girls are under siege and about to pull the ‘exit’ lever. I can only hope they get my message. If not, I will never see that lake again.

I look up at Caronerax. “You want to rinse off that mud? This doesn’t seem to be a trap, after all.”

He looks down at his legs, covered in mud to well above the knee. “Perhaps.”

He jumps in without much ceremony or enthusiasm.

“Those pants are easier to clean if you take them off,” I point out. “I’ll clean them for you.”

“It’s the first time I’m voluntarily immersed in water,” he admits as he struggles to pull the tight pants off. “I don’t know how it works. So far, it’s not the least bit agreeable.”

“Really?” I ask, trying to help by pulling at one of the legs of his garment. “I immerse myself in water every chance I get. Try to stand on your other leg while I… yes, like that.”

“I noticed,” he grunts as the recalcitrant pants slide down his legs and his magnificent dragon cock stands tall and hard, pointing skywards like the weirdest, most alien obelisk I ever saw. “You enjoy getting close to drowning.”

“Actually, that’s my least favorite part,” I state, taking his pants and slapping them against a rock to loosen the mud while heat surges in my center at the sight of his exotic manhood. It’s a spellbinding thing, in a way that I never thought possible. It has been on my mind all day, lurking in the background with its smoothness and blueness and ridges that I think would hit me right where I need it.

He eyes my chest, where the nipples have contracted into hard nubs. “Sure it’s not too cold for you?”

“It’s fine,” I tell him and arch my back more. If there’s one part of me that I’m almost kind of proud of, once in a blue moon, then it’s my boobs. Having Caronerax admire them so openly is quite pleasant.

Stiffening, I suddenly know for a fact that there is someone else present.

I whip my head around.


The dragon lifts one hand out of the water and watches the water drip from it, as if he’s never seen it before. “What is it?”

I look all around, up in the sky and into the woods. “I feel like someone is watching me.”

“I am watching you,” Caronerax admits, running his gaze up and down me again. “Very carefully.”

I peer suspiciously down at the sandy bottom. If there’s an eye down there, the movement of the water makes it hard to find it. “No, this is something more. Do you think our spies followed us, after all?”

The dragon strokes his new, black beard thoughtfully, staring at his reflection in the surface. “No.”

I don’t think so, either. But I’m not the most observant of girls, and still I have an eerie feeling that someone is looking at me. And not kindly.

I take a step closer to Caronerax, and immediately I don’t care. Let them spy us out. This freaking dragon is on my side and will take care of Copyright 2016 - 2024