Caveman Alien's Riddle - Calista Skye Page 0,23

that this was definitely the completely last question your little brain will pose to me today.”

“I promise.”

He sighs. “I was calmly strolling through the village, observing with some amusement my desperate compatriots attacking and battling with the slayers. Completely disorganized. They were all surprised to see other dragons there. The earthquake added to the chaos, and I tried to remain upright on the ground. Succeeding with ease, I should add. A small female — that’s your Heidi, I fancy — staggered onto me out of the darkness, then tried to hit me with a stick. She missed, as is only to be expected. Then she lost her balance and fell towards me, while at the same time a rock of some description came flying and hit her on the head. Thus I was left standing there, holding her up in some kind of ridiculous reflex that gave me no pleasure.”

I find myself grinning up at the sun. Heidi is not dead, after all!


After only a few minutes, I feel recovered enough to stand up. I’m starting to sweat among all this living fur.

Caronerax unashamedly lifts his hair out of his face to run his eyes up and down my naked form. “You are the most female thing I’ve ever seen.”

I walk up to him and raise my hand to his face. “Come down here.”

He complies after a second of male hesitation, regally allowing me to place a kiss right on his mouth. Because when will I ever get the chance to kiss a dragon again?

His lips are soft and surprisingly warm. But I suppose that anything would feel warm right now. He smells good, too. Manly and super alien.

And not a killer of girls.

I let go of his neck. “Thank you for saving me. Again. I will ask fewer questions now. No more today, at least.”

“That is probably a good idea.”

I lift my old dress from the ground, a sad gray bundle, soggy and cold. “Meanwhile, do you know a good tailor?”


- Caronerax -

My hand shoots out and grabs her soft little chin. She gasps, a small feminine sound that makes her more irresistible.

I stare her down. “I think you’ll find that was a question. There must be a penalty.”

She stiffens and draws breath to say something.

I put my lips on hers, mostly to shut her up and prevent further interrogations. And partly for some other reason that I’m not sure about.

This kiss is much better than her clumsy but sincere attempt, of course. Because now I am in charge.

She closes her eyes and goes full into the physicality of the kiss, allowing me to guide her.

It’s proper and right.

And extremely arousing. Her scent is earthy and female, fresh and gentle.

Being this close to such a spectacular female is awakening real lust in me. If I wasn’t this weak, I would take her here and now, whether she cooperates or not. As it is, I choose to postpone it until I regain my full powers. Right now I imagine she would cooperate fine. Dragons can have that effect.

I disengage, and she draws a long, deep breath, her head swaying, eyes glassy. “Oh my…” Her voice is weak and hoarse.

“Let that be a lesson to you,” I state. “Next time, I will squeeze your breast at the same time.”

“Some penalty,” she finally manages.

Standing up, I turn my back to her and take in the lake we crawled out of while my pants creak with barely contained pressure.

I saw Jennifer taken by the flying creature, and before I knew it I was airborne, myself, taking up the hunt. That completely unplanned and unintended Change to dragon form burned the last of my energy reserves, and I fell from the sky before I was done spewing fire at the attacker. The short burst was enough to vaporize it, but extremely unsatisfying, with the usual thrill of victory cut pathetically short.

Still less satisfying is the fact that I’ve now saved the life of this female multiple times, at great risk and humiliation to myself, and I don’t even know why.

She’s walking around naked now, while her dress hangs on a branch, drying in the sun.

I glance over my shoulder at her.

The sight of her charms creates that great pressure in my pants. She is unusually attractive, with her roundness and her movements and her enticing shape.

Again I can barely resist my urge to take her.

One of the furry creatures in the heap wakes up, bounces around, spots me with its huge eyes, and immediately Copyright 2016 - 2024