The Cavalier - By Jason McWhirter Page 0,91

club wouldn’t move. Jonas stood with his sword in one hand and his other arm outstretched toward the immobilized club. He concentrated on the log, keeping it still. His head began to ache but he continued to focus on the club. He willed the log backwards, toward the giant’s face, and the log obeyed, smashing into the surprised giant’s nose. It was almost as if he were a puppeteer and the log was his puppet, connected by invisible strands of energy that only he could see and control.

Jorm was a warrior who had fought in many battles, and he learned long ago to never falter or think about one’s luck while fighting. He simply took advantage of the situation that was presented to him. He jumped up as the giant struck himself in the face with its own club, swinging his razor sharp sword across the throat of the bewildered creature. The blade hissed through the air slicing across the beast’s throat, parting it easily. Blood erupted from the wound dousing Jorm in red splashes. The dying giant stumbled backwards falling into the pool, turning the crystal clear water a crimson hue.

The bleeding giant fighting Graggis shuffled backwards, kicking out its massive leg trying to batter the man with the painful axe. Loss of blood had slowed the beast and its movements were clumsy, but it got lucky as its left leg clipped Graggis in the hip, spinning him backwards. Graggis gritted his teeth from the pain of the kick but managed to stay on his feet and hold onto his axe.

The giant took advantage of the small reprieve by reaching down with its good hand and grabbing its club on the ground. The huge creature lifted the club easily, chopping it downward, hoping to crush the skull of the man that had caused him so much pain. Graggis quickly regained his footing just as the club was descending toward him. As the club came down, Graggis bolted forward with his axe over his head.

“Ulren!” Graggis screamed as the giant’s club smashed into the ground, narrowly missing him, his axe head taking the beast in the groin. The magical blade bit in deep and the giant roared in agony. The giant dropped to its knees, never before feeling that kind of pain.

Graggis stepped back, yanking the blade from the grisly wound. The screaming giant brought both hands to its groin as its eyes rolled back in its head. Graggis growled swinging his mighty axe at the giant’s throat, which was now at eye level. His powerful swing brought the axe through the giant’s thick neck, severing it cleanly all the way to the beast’s spine. Thick red fluid showered Graggis as he stepped back, the giant falling backwards, choking on its own blood.

Sal and Prince Baylin were taking turns inflicting damage. Sal’s movements began to slow as his broken ribs were taking their toll. This giant was strong, and he was not giving up easily. Sal sliced his sword across the giant’s calf as the beast swung its club at Baylin. The blade stung the giant and it kicked its leg backward hoping to connect with the blonde human again. Sal’s tired body could not react quickly enough and the giant’s heel took him in the chest sending him sprawling to the ground. The wind was knocked out of him and several more ribs cracked from the tremendous force of the kick.

Dagrinal continued to enrage the bleeding giant he was fighting. The beast bled from dozens of wounds, none of them critical, but they were slowly sapping the strength from the behemoth.

Jorm, covered in the giant’s blood, turned to see the last giant climb up onto the rock ledge. Beorth, dazed from the thrown club, was slowly struggling to get up.

Jonas looked on as the hairy beast reached out with its gnarly hand, grabbing Beorth by the head. The man screamed as he was lifted into the air.

“No!” yelled Jonas, as he and Jorm bolted towards the giant with swords leading the way. The giant swung the screaming man at the charging humans. Beorth’s legs struck Jorm and Jonas solidly, sending them flying backward onto the hard rock. Jonas and Jorm looked on as the giant grabbed Beorth’s legs, his other hand still holding his head, and pulled with all his might.

Jonas tried to stop the giant’s movement, just as he had the club, but as he concentrated on the beast, his head exploded with pain, causing him to pitch Copyright 2016 - 2024