The Cavalier - By Jason McWhirter Page 0,87

felt at home. The camaraderie of these men was contagious and it calmed Jonas’s turbulent thoughts.

“That is an amazing tale, Jonas,” said Gar, a quiet young warrior from Ta’Ron. “I am sorry for your losses.”

“Thank you, Gar,” added Jonas gratefully.

“Jonas, may we see the mark?” asked Sal.

Jonas shyly looked at the prince who nodded encouragement. He stood up slowly and took off his cloak, lifting his tunic and chain mail shirt over his head. He stood baring his chest in the cold night air. His muscled torso reflected the orange firelight and the God Mark could clearly be seen. The men moved closer, staring in awe at the beauty of the design. The silver edges of the mark glittered like diamonds.

“Jonas, have you looked at your chest lately?” asked the prince, eyeing him curiously.

“No. Why do you ask?”

“The mark seems to have grown since I saw it last, unless my eyes are playing tricks on me.”

Sure enough, the prince was right. Jonas saw that the mark had spread slightly over his shoulders and down his arms. It had almost completely covered his stomach and chest. The mark must have been expanding slowly as Jonas had not noticed it until the prince pointed it out. It was a piece of art to look at and even Jonas’s breath caught in his throat as he gazed at the symbol.

“It is amazing!” Sal exclaimed. “I have never seen anything like it.”

“It makes a wizard mark look like a child’s drawing,” added Dagrinal.

Self-conscious, Jonas put his tunic back on and sat down by the fire.

“Do you think you will become a cavalier?” asked Graggis.

“I don’t know. Shyann has a plan for me and I think the plan will unfold as she sees fit. I want nothing other than to be a warrior that fights against that which threatens us. I would like to be a cavalier, if that is my destiny.”

“It is a hard life, Jonas, never knowing where you’re going or where you’ll be. Forming relationships is almost impossible and the constant threats and challenges a cavalier faces can wear one down. It is a tough road to travel, and few can do it,” Prince Baylin said.

“I do not know you well, Jonas, but you seem a fine young man,” Graggis addressed Jonas seriously. “You are brave, and from what I’ve heard, do not lack skill. I saw you stand up to that demon with nothing more than a sword in your hand and courage in your heart. I think you’d make a fine knight, or cavalier, and Shyann wouldn’t have picked you if she didn’t think so too.”

“I thank you Graggis,” Jonas said modestly. He felt uncomfortable with the conversation and the focus on him, so he turned to Dagrinal. “Dagrinal, my sword training was cut short. Would you mind sparring with me when we have time? I would be grateful to learn from you.”

“It would be my pleasure, Jonas. Master Morgan told me that you were the best among the apprentices and you have potential to be a master swordsman.”

“I want to learn all that I can. I would appreciate your help.”

“How about now?” asked the tall swordsman standing up from the fire.

Jonas smiled. He stood up and drew his sword in response.


The terrain began to change as they headed farther west towards the Tundrens. Rolling grasslands gave way to forested hills, and the peaks of the massive range slowly grew larger. Their horses made good time through the grasslands but progress slowed as they moved deeper into the mountains. The terrain grew steeper and they had to carefully pick their way through rocky trails. Their pace was hampered as the horses stumbled occasionally, making the slow progress dangerous as well.

It was on the second night in the forested mountains that they sat around their fire to discuss how to continue their journey.

“Prince, I think it is time that we leave the horses. We will need to take to the game trails now and the horses cannot navigate them,” Nogris informed them, throwing more wood on the fire.

“Do you agree, Beorth?” asked the prince.

“Yes, my Lord,” affirmed Beorth. “I was going to suggest that myself.”

“Then so be it. Largress, Togin, I want you to stay with the horses until we return. We will need them to get back to Finarth.”

“Yes sir,” they both said.

“How long should it take us to reach our destination?” the prince asked Beorth.

“It is hard to say. It is summer so the trails will be open. We Copyright 2016 - 2024