The Cavalier - By Jason McWhirter Page 0,83

you and continue your training,” the king informed him.

“Father, of whom do you speak?” asked the prince.

The king, looking at his oldest son, took a deep breath. “Kiln,” he said bluntly

“What! Kiln? He left Finarth over fifteen years ago. Do you even know where he is?” asked Prince Baylin.

“Sir, with all due respect, Commander Kiln left your service in disgrace and without leave. He is not fit to protect Jonas,” added Lathrin, speaking for the first time.

“I agree, Father. The stories are old but if they are anything close to the truth then he is not fit for this task.”

“I know where he is located. He sends his men to the markets once a year. I have had trackers follow them over the years so I think I know his location. He was a good friend of mine…”

“A friend who left you and broke his oath. It is not right,” the prince interrupted.

“You do not know the whole story, son.” The king sighed heavily, “No one does.”

“Sir, I’m sorry to interrupt, but who is this Kiln?” asked Jonas.

The king looked at Jonas. “Kiln was my general, Jonas. He was unbeatable. We were best friends that grew up together, but he was a commoner and I, of course, was not. We trained as knight apprentices just as you and Fil have. He is the best warrior I have ever seen, and his mind, as well as his body, is an instrument of war. I have never seen his equal with a blade. Anyway, when I became king I appointed him general first class, high commander of the Finarthian army. We won many battles together, fighting the orcs and ogres from the Tundrens, the bandits from Numenell and the raiding tribes from the Flatlands and the Sithgarin Desert. He simply did not lose. He became a legend, here in Finarth and all over Kraawn. Warriors sought him out, challenging him with blade and axe, but he was never beaten.”

“What happened to him, my Lord? Why did he leave?” asked Jonas.

“I think maybe it is not my place to tell that part of the story, but he left my service. I know the truth of it, but no one else does. He could not stay here any longer and he lost the taste for war. He traveled far to the lands in the east for several years before returning and hiding out in the mountains with the riches he had earned in my service, carving a life out for himself deep in the Tundrens. By all accounts he is a recluse, and keeps to himself.”

“And you think Jonas will be safe with him?” asked Lathrin.

“I do. He has at least ten men that work for him and I will send a handful of knights to stay with Jonas. Besides, Kiln can teach him things that we cannot.”

“Sir,” interjected Manlin. “It is obvious that Shyann, the Huntress, has marked this boy. That mark has put him in danger, a danger that all cavaliers know well. They are constantly hunted by the Forsworn, but cavaliers are trained for that, and this boy is not. I suggest that he stay with me in Shyann’s temple.”

“It is true that Shyann has marked him, but his presence here is a danger to everyone and there is no way that we can hide him from the populace for a year. The word would get out and there are some very powerful people that blame him for this tragedy. It just wouldn’t do to have him here.” The king looked back at Jonas. “Son, we have not asked you what you think. It is important that you have a say in your own destiny. What do you think?”

“Sir, what if Kiln will not take me?” asked Jonas.

“I will write a letter to Kiln myself, the contents of which will be more than enough to convince him to accept you in his care.”

“Sir, if you think it is a good idea then I will do it. I do not want to cause more problems here. I want to train to be a cavalier, and if going to stay with Kiln puts me one step closer to that goal, then so be it.”

“Then it is settled. Now we need to put together a team to take Jonas into the Tundrens.”

“I will head that team, Father,” ventured Prince Baylin crossing his arms and standing firmly. “After all, it should be someone from the royal family who presents the letter to Kiln. Besides, I Copyright 2016 - 2024