The Cavalier - By Jason McWhirter Page 0,78

into the room he desperately looked for some way to help his friends that were still alive. It was dark but he could just make out a large form at the far end of the room ripping and tearing, cutting a swath of death as it moved with unbelievable speed. Jonas heard more screams and hoped that some of his friends had made it out the south door.

He held his sword out in front of him, but it seemed so puny against such a beast. In the murky darkness his eyes swept around the room frantically trying to come up with some sort of plan. Jonas prayed silently, pleading desperately for help from Shyann.

Suddenly Jonas felt his body growing warm with an energy building deep within him. The feeling surprised him, but the screaming in the darkness forced him to focus his mind on the warm flood of energy coalescing inside him; and he prayed, concentrating on his belly where the force was centered. Suddenly his body began to glow. It was as if a white light was slowly growing within him, starting in his belly and emanating outward surrounding his flesh. It was not the explosive light that Jonas saw from Airos, the cavalier, but a softer light, growing in strength the more Jonas concentrated. The light’s rays pierced the darkness, beating away the shadows and illuminating the horrible destruction.

The beast pivoted quickly as the light touched it. The Greever didn’t like this light; it felt strange and unwelcome, stinging its flesh, but there, standing not more than fifty paces away was its target. The Greever’s nostrils pulsed with disgust taking in the horrible smell of its target. The demon hated that smell, hated all it stood for. It wanted him dead. It would take more than light to stop it from ripping the boy to pieces and feeding on his warm wet flesh. The hunter crouched, leaping forward with astonishing power and speed.

Fil ran in behind Jonas, quickly taking in the scene. Jonas’s magic light flared brighter, exposing a scene that was beyond Fil’s imagination, but Fil didn’t have time to wonder about the light or the carnage around him. A huge beast with long arms and blood covered claws was running at them with incredible speed, jaws open, exposing long deadly fangs. He felt fear grip him, but he fought it back, leaping in front of Jonas, and hurling the spear with all his might. The spear took the demon in the chest, the impact stopping its charge momentarily. The beast looked down at the spear jutting from its flesh, momentarily shocked by the power of the attack. But a normal weapon could not harm the demon. The creature simply reached down, ripped out the spear, throwing it against the wall with a clatter. The thick leathery skin around the wound closed immediately and the demon crouched low, hissing at the boy who threw the weapon. Leaping toward him, the Greever snapped its wings forward, the sharp dagger like points piercing Fil through each shoulder.

Fil screamed in pain as the spikes ripped through him, piercing through his back. The Greever used its powerful wings to lift the screaming boy in the air and fling him against the far wall.

Jonas, splattered with Fil’s blood, screamed for his friend, a furious anger consuming him. He charged the demon, his god light flaring brighter as his anger surged through him. The Greever hissed angrily as the bright light stung its eyes, forcing the demon to retreat back several paces, covering its eyes with the tips of its wings. The Greever could hear the boy with the sword scream and a few seconds later he felt the minor stings of the sword as it cut its flesh several times. The demon swatted Jonas with its arm, its inhuman strength sending the boy flying through the air, smacking hard against the wall.


The Greever turned toward the new challenge, a gigantic man wearing only leggings, charging from the door. His heavily muscled arms carried a glittering battle axe over his head as he charged. The Greever used its left wing tip as a spear and shot it toward the warrior’s midsection, hoping to skewer him. Graggis, a trained warrior and the best axe fighter in all of Finarth, used the flat side of the blade, deflecting the blow and coming in low at the demon. His colossal strength enabled him to easily wield the cumbersome weapon. He swung the axe sideways and across Copyright 2016 - 2024