The Cavalier - By Jason McWhirter Page 0,74

as he glared at Jonas with open hatred.

“What happened?” demanded Master Morgan.

“It was both our faults, sir. He scored the first hit and then I scored the last. Our competitive spirit and equal skill fueled our anger and we lost control. I will try to control my anger next time, sir. I apologize,” Jonas said in an attempt to cover for Torgan, hoping that that kindness might reduce Torgan’s animosity towards him.

“Is this correct, Torgan?” asked Master Morgan.

Torgan eyed Jonas with barely concealed malice. “Yes, sir, that is correct. I am sorry, Master Morgan, for letting my anger control me.”

“Good,” Mater Morgan said as he turned to the entire group. “Now since you all seem to have so much energy, give me twenty circuits around the track.”

Nobody complained or said a word. They dropped their sticks and began jogging to the track, the hot midday sun baking their sweaty bodies as they ran.

Jonas stayed back behind Torgan not wanting to be anywhere near the angry apprentice. He could sense the volatile emotions flow from him like giant waves in an ocean’s storm.

Calden, his team leader, jogged up next to him. “It is not wise to make an enemy of the most powerful apprentice here, and heir to the Finarthian throne”.

Jonas let out a frustrated sigh. “I did nothing but fight back, and I even covered for him,” Jonas said, exasperated.

“Maybe you shouldn’t have fought so well,” Calden reasoned as they continued around the track.

“Let him win!” Jonas exclaimed in a tone that could not hide his disgust.

Calden raised an eyebrow. “Maybe…I worry for you, Jonas. You do not want an enemy in the likes of him.”

“I’ve done nothing wrong.”

“You’re right, but sometimes that is not enough,” Calden replied.

Jonas, shaking his head in frustration, continued around the track in silence.


Darkness Comes

The Greever lifted its bony head from the winged beast on which it was feeding. Its nostrils flared, sniffing the air of his domain, the domain in of which he was the master, the killer that lived to hunt. As its bloody jaws tore rhythmically at the bone and flesh, the demon felt the distant tug of its master’s call, a call not heard in ages.

The Greever stretched its nine foot frame to its full height, its long muscular arms held wide, sniffing the air again, feeling the invisible tug of his master’s summons, eager for the blood that was soon to follow. The Greever was the ultimate killer, built solely for destruction. It resembled a man, but was much taller and more heavily muscled. Long sinewy arms hung down to its knobby knees. Its powerful legs were shaped like a goat, but instead of dainty hooves, long clawed toes like a dragon bore its solid weight. The Greever’s thick leather-like skin was gray and cold to the touch. Its body was completely hairless, except for the thick patch of black hair that covered part of its dog-like head and muscular neck. Sharp bony spikes were imbedded at the back of the demon’s elbows, the front of its knees, and the top of its shoulders and head, all of which it could use with flesh tearing devastation. Its red, deep set eyes glowed atop a thick snout above powerful jaws filled with teeth strong enough to break steel. The beast’s hands and feet were long and clawed with wicked talons, each the length of a dagger. Tucked into crevices on its back were long leathery wings, capable of carrying the demon long distances. For the Greever did not tire, did not relent from any hunt. At the end of each wing was a long sharp spike that it could wield as a deadly weapon. Everything on the demon was formidable, including its tail, which was as thick as a man’s arm and ended in a heavy sphere covered with poisoned spikes. Endowed with lightning speed and power, it could also hunt as quietly as a cat.

The familiar fog began to swirl before it, and the beast entered the mist, eager to be sent to another world, to serve its master, because its master always provided him sustenance, and the Greever was hungry for new flesh.


That night Jonas, Fil, Calden, and Bornius, another boy from the blue team, were sitting on their beds quietly discussing Jonas’s fight with Torgan. The black team was on the far side of the barracks and they couldn’t possibly hear their conversation.

“I fear you’ve made a powerful enemy, Jonas,” commented Bornius as he changed into his sleeping Copyright 2016 - 2024