The Cavalier - By Jason McWhirter Page 0,71

moved away to correct an improper strike from one of the apprentices, leaving the boys and Sal watching the training.

“Master Morgan is the best weapons expert we have, next to Master Borum, who I have not seen beaten, even by Prince Nelstrom.”

“Does Master Borum bear the expert swordsman mark?” asked Jonas.

“He does. The same as Prince Nelstrom. Let us go now; it won’t be long before your group will be at the mess hall. You both must be hungry and you need to meet your group members,” he said, leading the boys off the training field.


The first year in Finarth was very exciting, but difficult as well. Their long days were split with early morning runs, work in the stables, training, more work, and then more training. They trained with sword, bow and spear. They learned how to ride and take care of a warhorse. They were taught the basics in formation fighting, shield work, and fighting from horseback, which is what the Finarthian Knights were known for. At night they would also perform chores in the castle, cleaning and serving the knights and royalty. Even Jonas hated that work as most of the cleaning revolved around scrubbing the kitchens, including the hundreds of pots and dishes used every day. Three nights a week each team also took classes on writing, reading, and history, the latter being Jonas’s favorite.

It was exhausting work, but Jonas and Fil both thrived on it. For Fil hard work was a part of his life and for Jonas it was something that he had never been able to do, so they both took to it easily, quickly gaining the respect of the trainers and teachers.

Jonas excelled even further. He couldn’t get enough work. His body did not want to rest. It was as if he were trying to make up for the many years that he couldn’t use his crippled form.

At night, he would sneak out and run around the track until he was exhausted and he could barely move. That was the only way he could fall asleep. He was constantly hounded by nightmares and his mind didn’t seem to want to rest. He would wake up from restless nights and practice the various sword forms that he had been taught, slowly going over each movement until he had mastered it perfectly. Then he would practice them faster and faster until he didn’t have to think about them.

He started to look like a man; his body grew tall and his adolescent frame started to take the shape of a seasoned warrior. The constant running and training strengthened his muscles and gave them that taut look, like a tightly strung bow. His face grew more angular as he lost his boy-like softness. But his shaggy brown hair and his gentle smile tempered the harder edges of his appearance.

Fil changed as well. He grew several inches and bulked up with muscle, becoming stockier than Jonas, and more powerful. Jonas had moved forward in the direction of skill and endurance, while Fil and excelled in strength and power. Like all knights, he trained with a blade, but his weapon of choice was the spear. He learned to use it like a staff and his powerful arms and shoulders could throw the weapon great distances and with immense power. His strong stocky arms enabled him to excel at formation fighting where he used a shield and short infantry blade. It was grueling work to maintain proper shield position while using the heavy cutting blades designed for formation fighting. Strong arms and backs were necessary and Fil took to the skill naturally.

They became very close with the members of their team. They knew that the blue team of the Stag was where most of the lowborn applicants were put. There weren’t as many members in their team since it was often difficult for a peasant to get a sponsor. There were eight boys in their group. Calden, a likeable young man just under eighteen winters, was their leader.

Calden was the son of a beautiful herbalist who had befriended a rich lord. Everyone knew that there was a romantic liaison between the two, but Calden’s friends said nothing about it to him as it was a sore spot for the young apprentice. Calden’s mother was the lord’s mistress and it was something that Calden was not proud of. He was not overly skilled in weapons or running, but he was very bright and his personality made him a natural leader. Copyright 2016 - 2024