The Cavalier - By Jason McWhirter Page 0,66

at Allindrian, took a deep breath, and told them the rest of the story. He told them everything just as he had disclosed to Landon’s men that night after the fight with the boargs.

Everyone at the table listened intently and when he explained the part about his dream and his God Mark their eyes widened with fascination and disbelief. He ended his story with the last battle with the boargs and the destruction of the cleric of Naz-reen.

“That is quite a story, young man. Can you show me this mark?” asked the king. Jonas looked at Allindrian and Landon, both of them nodding their heads urging him to proceed. He stood up, lifting his tunic over his head. Everyone gasped and the two priests stood up in astonishment.

“I can’t believe it!” said Manlin, moving closer to Jonas to inspect the mark. “Unbelievable. That is indeed a God Mark and Shyann’s symbol.”

Androg was looking at the mark closely. “I agree. It is incredible. It is indeed her mark,” he said.

Jonas felt strange standing there, his chest bare to all, being inspected by the others.

“I have never heard of anyone being God Marked unless they were a cavalier,” the King said in wonder.

“Nor have I,” added Manlin. “Shyann has marked this young man, but for what reason?”

“To become a cavalier I should think. She has expressed her interest in this young man and even warned him of danger twice, saving the lives of Landon’s men. He must go to Annure to train,” Prince Baylin announced.

“He is too young. They will not accept a candidate unless they are eighteen years of age,” argued Androg. “Besides, he may not even pass the acceptance tests.”

“Shyann has accepted him already, why would he not pass?” Alindrian said bluntly. “Jonas, tell the priests what Airos told you.”

“You spoke to Airos?” asked Manlin.

“Yes, I was walking home and I slipped. I could not walk very well and I used a crutch and he helped me up and we talked briefly”.

“What did he say to you?” Manlin asked.

“He said that my soul was pure, and that I should be very proud because that was so rare. I don’t know what he meant but he said he could see into the hearts of men.”

“He said that to you? Those words exactly?” asked Androg.

“Yes. I am sure.”

“As you can see by his story, he has the character to be a cavalier,” stated Allindrian smoothly. “He has fought and killed boargs, an ogre, and a cleric of Naz-reen. I believe he has shown that he has the courage to be a great warrior, the skills will come later. I suggest, good king, that you allow these two men to join your army so that you can train them and keep an eye on Jonas. When Jonas turns eighteen he should go to Annure and train to become a cavalier.”

“Watch him? What do you mean by that?” asked Prince Nelstrom.

“If Shyann has expressed an interest in this young man, then that will also draw the attention of Gould, including Naz-reen and Dykreel,” replied Allindrian. “A pure soul is like a beacon to the Forsworn, it will bring them to him like flies on a corpse. I’m afraid he will need protection.”

The men at the table crossed their chests at the mention of the Forsworn. Jonas processed her words for the first time. She was right. The thought of being hunted by the evil ones was more frightening than he could imagine. His heart began to beat faster as he contemplated the danger he was in as well as the danger he could bring to others.

“You are quite right, Blade Singer. I hadn’t thought of that,” the king said, standing and walking up the stairs to his throne. He sat down in thought.

Fil looked at Jonas, unsure of what to do. Jonas put his tunic back on and sat down in nervous silence.

“Young men, what are your thoughts on this matter? We are talking about your welfare and yet we have not asked you your own desires.” The king’s strong voice resonated throughout the hall.

Without hesitating Fil stood up, addressing the king. “I have nothing left your highness. My friends and family are all dead. I would very much like to join your army, and become a Finarthian Knight. I know I can’t right away, but some…”

“Young man,” interrupted Prince Nelstrom. “A common peasant boy cannot join the elite knights unless you have a sponsor.”

“And he does,” stated Landon. “I will sponsor them both.”

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