The Cavalier - By Jason McWhirter Page 0,57

cavalier bears the mark of a god, and that is after they have passed the tests, tests that can only be defeated by men of extreme bravery, mental and physical strength, and unmatched martial excellence. I have never known a mere boy, untrained, to have the mark,” she said, scrutinizing Jonas’s chest further.

“And yet he does,” stated Mestus, a tall thin warrior from Tarsis. “Who are we to question the gods?”

“And that is most certainly Shyann’s mark. I have seen it many times traveling through the Tundrens where she is worshipped the most,” added Cyn confidently.

“What should I do? I need help. I don’t know what to do,” pleaded Jonas. “I can’t express how happy I am that I’ve been cured, and I thank Shyann for her blessing, but what does it mean? Why did she pick me? What does she want me to do?

“There are many things in life that we have no control over, Jonas,” Landon replied. “We live, we try to survive and make a decent life for ourselves, family, and friends, and then we die. Few things are secure or certain. We do not know why Shyann picked you, but I am sure that she has her reasons and that you will know them when the time is right. My recommendation to you is to go to the temple in Finarth with your story and ask for some guidance. You have to be eighteen to start the school for cavaliers, but my guess is that is where you are heading.” Landon grimaced as he adjusted the bandage on his thigh.

“Do you really think so? The idea is intriguing but I feel as if it is just a dream, something that I want to reach for but cannot grasp. I do not know if I could do it.” There was a part of him that believed the goal was not outside the realm of possibility. He had discussed that very idea with Fil, but hearing the words mentioned by another made it sound impossible and far out of reach for a young boy who was raised in the mountains.

“You do not do yourself justice, Jonas,” Cyn responded. “I have known fighting men my whole life. You have a strong heart and you are very brave for your years and lack of experience. You and Fil have both shown your courage and bravery. I have seen grown men, tried warriors, run from less than what we faced tonight. You saved me today with your bow and you both took part in helping Allindrian kill that abomination. I think you have the makings to be a great warrior, maybe even a cavalier,” Cyn concluded, looking Jonas in the eyes.

Jonas, not used to compliments, looked away. “I thank you for your confidence, Cyn. It just seems so far-fetched. I can’t imagine myself as a cavalier.”

“I’m sure Airos felt that way when he was a boy as well,” Allindrian said with a reassuring smile.

“They are right, Jonas. I will go with you to the temple and we will see what they say. Then I will join the Finarthian army, hopefully with you by my side,” Fil added.

Jonas smiled at Fil, grateful for his support.

“I think we need some rest now. Thank you, young man, for telling us your story. And please know that we hold no misgiving for your concealment of the truth. Under the circumstances, it was probably the right thing to do. Let’s get some rest so we can travel with all speed for Finarth in the morning,” Landon said as he slowly rose, aided by two of his men. “Cyn, please take care of the watch and make sure that no one is on duty alone tonight. I doubt we can expect another attack but let’s be ready for it nonetheless.”

“Yes, sir,” Cyn replied, and began to give the orders. Everyone settled down for the night, except the guards who constantly scanned the darkness, holding their spear shafts a little more tightly.



The remaining four days to Finarth went by quickly and without mishap. The caravan followed the Sithgarin River for several days before they started to meander through various farming settlements. Landon directed the caravan southwest when they reached the smaller Ungard River. The road was well traveled and there were many small homesteads nestled in the Finarthian hills.

As they neared Finarth, on the fourth day, Lanz, one of the caravan scouts, rode to Landon’s wagon where Jonas and Fil sat leading the oxen.

“Tell Master Landon that riders Copyright 2016 - 2024