The Cavalier - By Jason McWhirter Page 0,54

scene, looking for a target. Some vile magic was assaulting them a second time. He felt like he wanted to run, his heart began to beat quickly, and the bow began to shake in his hands. The men felt it as well and many began to back up, frightened looks painted across their faces.

Then from the darkness at the edge of the lit clearing, a black horse rode forward carrying a dark rider. The warrior, clad in dark armor, carried a short black spear made of grey metal and his red cape billowed in the air as he galloped into the clearing, scattering boargs and warriors alike. He emanated fear and evil, permeating the men with despair wherever he rode.

The dark knight pointed his spear at a soldier near him and uttered “Atta-Guthor!” The spear head crackled with energy sending a bolt of lightning into the man, launching him into the air and burning a hole right through his chest.

Jonas shook his head, trying to clear it, so he could focus on the evil warrior. He nocked an arrow, lifting his bow, his arms shaking badly. “Give me strength, Shyann,” Jonas whispered to himself, trying to aim the shaking bow. In moments his arms steadied and his mind began to clear. He saw the warrior clearly now as he ripped the magical spear from the chest of another mercenary. Jonas fired his arrow and saw the shaft strike the warrior in the shoulder. The arrow deflected off his black armor.

The evil warrior turned towards Jonas, laughing wickedly. He lifted his vile weapon and uttered the same words, “Atta-Guthor!” The bolt of lightning flashed through the air and struck Jonas in the chest, sending him flying backwards to land heavily on his back at the base of the wagon.

Allindrian, who had just withdrawn her sword from the chest of a dead boarg, saw the bolt hit Jonas. “No!” she screamed. She flashed her blade across the throat of the last boarg that was between her and the evil warrior. Blood erupted from the severed throat, and Allindrian, spinning by the dead beast, moved in quickly towards the warrior with the spear. Simultaneously she drew her long hunting knife throwing it side armed at the horsed warrior. The magical elven blade struck the warrior in the leg, sending sparks flying as it penetrated the enchanted armor. The man screamed and angled his weapon at Allindrian.

Jonas slowly got up, astonished that he was still alive. He looked down with wide eyes at his chest and saw that his tunic was scorched and burned, exposing his God Mark, which was glowing with magic. The last remnants of magical energy wavered briefly across his chest before dissipating completely. Somehow Shyann’s magic had saved him. Not wasting any time wondering about his luck, he grabbed Airos’s dagger that had fallen by the wagon, quickly leaped up and ran to join his comrades. Coming around the wagon he saw Allindrian bear down on the horsed rider, his spear pointing right at her. Jonas was twenty paces away and he didn’t know if he could get there in time, but he had to try. He ran towards the horsed rider as fast as he could. Everything seemed to slow down as his mind took in everything around him. He saw Fil out of the corner of his eye throw a spear at the rider just as Allindrian closed the gap between them. The spear struck the rider in the back, but it could not penetrate his magical armor. The impact caused him to jerk forward in his saddle, diverting his spear point away from Allindrian.

Jonas, arriving just in time, jumped into the air, Airos’s knife held high, and slammed the blade into the lower back of the warrior. The knife bit in deep, the magical blade slicing through the armor like it was butter.

The warrior screamed, arching his back and dropping his spear to the ground. Jonas was flung backwards as the warrior’s horse pivoted.

Simultaneously, Allindrian leaped impossibly high into the air, her elven agility bringing her level with the horsed warrior. Her silver blade arced through the night, slicing across the man’s neck and sending his head flying into the darkness. The half-elf ranger landed lightly on the ground as his head made a sickening thump on the grass five paces away.

Jonas got up from the ground quickly, taking in the scene. The mercenaries had regrouped and they were finishing off the last of the boargs.

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